Plot: It is the sequence of events or incidents of which the story is composed. It refers to the action; the basic storyline of the play. Characters: They are the figures that acts in a play. a Flat character is known by one or two traits; a Round character is complex and many-sided; a Stock character is a stereotyped character; a Static character remains the same from the beginning of the plot to the end; and a Dynamic (developing) character undergoes permanent change. This change must be 1. within the possibilities of the character; 2. sufficiently motivated; and 3. allowed sufficient time for change. Theme: While plot refers to the action of the play, theme refers to the meaning of the play. Theme is the main idea or lesson to be learned from the play. In some cases, the theme of a play is obvious; other times it is quite subtle. Conflict: It is a clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills. A conflict is a person against person, a person against environment or a person against herself/himself. Spectacle: It refers to the visual elements of a play: sets, costumes and special effects. Spectacle is everything that the audience sees as they watch the play. Genre: Genre refers to
Plot: It is the sequence of events or incidents of which the story is composed. It refers to the action; the basic storyline of the play. Characters: They are the figures that acts in a play. a Flat character is known by one or two traits; a Round character is complex and many-sided; a Stock character is a stereotyped character; a Static character remains the same from the beginning of the plot to the end; and a Dynamic (developing) character undergoes permanent change. This change must be 1. within the possibilities of the character; 2. sufficiently motivated; and 3. allowed sufficient time for change. Theme: While plot refers to the action of the play, theme refers to the meaning of the play. Theme is the main idea or lesson to be learned from the play. In some cases, the theme of a play is obvious; other times it is quite subtle. Conflict: It is a clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills. A conflict is a person against person, a person against environment or a person against herself/himself. Spectacle: It refers to the visual elements of a play: sets, costumes and special effects. Spectacle is everything that the audience sees as they watch the play. Genre: Genre refers to