Christopher Abish
March 6, 2012
Elements of Religion Essay
Modern Western religions are greatly varied, and inherently riddled with fallacies. Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic all have something in common, monotheism. Monotheism is a belief, or doctrine, that there is only one God (Unabridged, 2012). Monotheism also views sacred space as “Heaven”, or arguably other mythical locations; such as the Garden of Eden or “Hell”. Additionally, nearly any area, place or, thing that occupies or is occupied by “spirits” can also be construed as a sacred space. Monotheism views sacred time as linear; meaning there is a beginning and an end. Also, certain sects within monotheism view sacred time as circular …show more content…
or infinite. Monotheism looks at the divine as “God” or the primary being in which the religion is centered around. All these points having been listed, another remains; monotheism and the many fallacies within it.
Within Christianity, the sacred space is viewed as a place in the afterlife.
Heaven is a “place” reserved for those who are righteous and live by the doctrine of Christianity. While another sacred place “exists” within the same religion, Hell. Hell is a “place” where those who do not follow the doctrine of Christianity, or live an unrighteous life are condemned to. Alternatively, Christianity has several more sacred spaces. These spaces include the Garden of Eden, where man and woman were created. In addition to the Garden of Eden and other various sacred spaces in Christianity, the planet could very well be considered a sacred space. Earth, being created by God, is indeed a sacred space. Each religion has a sacred space, be it of this life or the next. Monotheism, however, tends to view sacred space strictly as a place reserved for God and its …show more content…
Equally, there is the aspect of sacred time. Sacred time, as viewed by monotheism, is seen in a linear fashion. Time being linear means that there is a beginning and an end to it. Within Christianity specifically, God created the Earth and will return to destroy it, or remake it for the righteous followers. This would imply that on undetermined dates, the planet was made and will end. In other religions, such as Buddhism, time is not seen as having a beginning or end; but rather being infinite, without beginning or end. However, neither is provable seeing as there are no records of a beginning or end to time; nor can an unquantifiable amount of time (past, present, or future) be proven. Perhaps it is for that reason, religion or has come about in society.
Mankind’s invention or imagination of religion is as mysterious as God itself.
Western religions view the divine as “God”. That is not to say a conglomerate of Gods as with Egyptian’s, but a singular God; one being who commands all the forces of the universe with omnipotence. The relationship between humanity and the divine could best be described as a vice, or possibly an escape. Throughout history, religion has been used to enslave all ethnicities of humans. Early as the Egyptian days in 6000 B.C. religion was exploited to cull the mass and serve those at the top of the hierarchy. At present, powerful people within Christianity abuse their positions in the same way (Anonymous, 2012). However, on an individual basis a relationship with the divine proves to be beneficial by virtue. A reltionship with the divine can spawn adverse or positive reactions, based on the individuals interpretation of the divine’s will. A person understanding that killing is acceptable or encouraged, will have a dramatically different relationship with the divine than a person who understands that killing is not accepted or
In short, religion is the single greatest source of despair and strength for humanity. While certain religions promote violence or passiveness, others promote good will and tolerence. The trade off is in what comes of the people who rise to positions of power within individual religions. Organized religion can serve to embolden humans, and provide a source of hope and sense of belonging. Organized religion can also serve to oppress the followers, and subjugate them to the will of those in positions of power. Beyond the politics of religion, there is the sheer gravity of the notion of God. The existence or non-existence of God cannot be proven. Creating a circle of controversy, and basis for discredit. Is religion a good or bad thing? That is for each person to decide.
Anonamous. (2012, march 7). Continued Abuse of Power. Retrieved from BadnewsaboutChristianity:
Unabridged, D. (2012, March 07). monotheism. Retrieved from