Elephantiasis is a disease that affects the lymphatic system. In the lymphatic system, a white fluid called, lymph, travels through tiny vessels to the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes help remove viruses and bacteria from the body. Lymph nodes can be found in the neck, arms, abdomen, and groin. The spleen and tonsils are part of the lymphatic system as well. Elephantiasis is caused when there is a blockage in the lymph vessels, preventing the lymph to pass through to the lymph nodes (Elephantiasis, 2015). The blockage causes the lymph to build up in the body, and swell around the limb where the blockage occurs (Elephantiasis Tropica, 2014). Also, elephantiasis can be caused by mosquitoes infected with roundworms. When this is the cause, the disease is referred to as, Lymphatic filariasis; however, the names are interchangeable. This type of elephantiasis is …show more content…
It is most commonly found in people that become infected with lymphogranuloma vernereum (LVG) and donovanosis. LVG is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis serovar L1-L3. Infection with this bacteria causes chronic lymphatic obstruction in the genital region. Over time, this results in genital elephantiasis. Donovanosis is caused by becoming infected with the bacteria Calymmatobacterium granulomatosis. When the body’s immune system tries to fight off Donovanosis, inflammation and narrowing of the lymphatic vessels occur. This results in a buildup of lymph, which can cause genital elephantiasis (Elephantiasis,