December 25, 1774: Christmas Day. My father has given me a most precious gift today, this diary. He has encouraged me to record my thoughts and experiences in this book. I think my father knows we are living through changing times. The old ways and harmony with our mother country are beginning to fray. He has told me that one day, when I am an old man, I will look back and reflect on all that has occurred during my life and be amazed. I wonder if he is right…
February 5, 1775: Amazing news. I can’t believe my great fortune. Coming home from church service today, father told me that our neighbor, Richard Henry Lee, has asked me to accompany him on his trip to Richmond to serve as his aide during the Second Virginia Convention. This is such a great honor for me, a young man of 16. I knew that Mr. Lee, one of our colony’s most influential men, and father were great friends; but, for me to be offered …show more content…
A blanket of snow has covered the ground, and the country side is dead and a stark contrast to our coastal, tidewater home. Already, as we travel up the James River, I am horribly cold and damp on the outside, but so full of energy and excitement inside for what awaits me over these coming weeks. Mr. Lee has told me that due to the growing strains with the Royal Governor, they have moved the Convention from our capital in Williamsburg to Richmond. Colonial George Washington has joined us on our trip. He is also a delegate. He is such a tall and distinguished gentleman and great hero of the recent war with the French and Indians. He shared with me his experiences during last year’s First Continental Congress. He told me about people at the Congress like Samuel Adams of Massachusetts and a fellow Virginian named Patrick Henry. I can’t wait to meet others along our journey. This is truly a chance of a