Through all this, Marsh retains her power as she cunningly used family connections to the royal navy in an effort to facilitate her travels . The author uses the events encountered by marsh to make the reader better understand the global past and a presentation of world history as played out in a single life. As such, Colley showcases an extraordinary interweaving of naval history, trade, the place of women in the society at the time, slavery as well as the emergence of some …show more content…
Looking at the individual however, this book examines the theme of being tormented and informed by the events that shape global change. The author says that the world was both shrinking as it was widening and the lives of Marsh and the people in her life were being twisted out of traditional moulds in the process . The author’s take on world history as well as the depth of her research and the analysis of the little evidence she possesses come together to reveal the life of Marsh in an exceptional manner. The author shows how freedom to move around the world was embedded in her ambitious naval family’s capacity to influence the expanding British Empire to its own