Coursework Assignment (F-T)
Submission: Thursday 28 February 2008
Using the Embraer case study, you are required to compile a strategic report. This report is to be based on the material provided in the case study or distributed in class as well as on your reading of recommended texts.
Your report should not exceed 3,000 words in length (excluding title page, contents, references, bibliography and appendices). The minimum font size is 12 and there should be a 1.5-inch left hand margin.
N.B. This is an individual assignment and the University rules on plagiarism apply.
Your report MUST contain ALL of the following elements, to be completed in the order specified.
An analysis of the organisation's …show more content…
external environment typically including a PEST, SLEPT or PESTEL analysis, 5 Forces analysis and competitor analysis.
An analysis of the organisation's strategic capability typically including a resource audit, a value system analysis, the identification of possible core competences and identification of important stakeholders together with their likely stance on Corporate Social Responsibility issues.
A SWOT analysis summarising key factors.
The generation and definition of three possible future strategic options.
The use of qualitative and/or quantitative methods to evaluate each of these options using the criteria of suitability, acceptability and feasibility leading to the recommendation of one.
A critical review of all models and techniques used to compile the report.
Assessment Criteria
1.Knowledge & the use of information (25%)
- Clear and comprehensive knowledge of the concepts and models used in strategic analysis;
- Clear knowledge of the principles which guide the definition of strategic options; - Clear knowledge of methods available for the evaluation of strategic options. 2.Application of knowledge (25%)
- Models for strategic analysis are applied appropriately;
- Application of the principles guiding the definition of strategic options is clear; - Criteria and methods for the evaluation of strategic options are appropriately applied.
3.Selection, organisation and interpretation
- Results of the application of models for strategic analysis are interpreted appropriately;
- Results of the methods used for evaluating strategic options are interpreted appropriately and related back to the strategic analysis;
- Justification of the recommended option is clear and based on evaluation methods.
4.Evaluation (13%)
- Demonstrates awareness of the benefits and limitations of the models used to perform strategic analysis;
- Demonstrates awareness of the benefits and drawbacks of the methods used to evaluate strategic options.
Graduate Skills (12%)
Skill 1: Self Management Skill 5: Written Communication
Skill 7: Problem Solving Skill 8: Analytical Ability Skill 9: Numeracy Skill 12: Integration and transfer of knowledge