
Embryo Research Cons

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In today’s society, a lot of people focus on the emotional view rather than the bigger picture or logic behind why using embryonic stem cells for research is beneficial. The use of embryonic stem cells for research has raised a huge issue among the ethical and political groups throughout many countries. This topic remains substantially controversial because of its association between life and death. Although some ethical and political groups may believe that it is morally wrong to deliberately take the life away from an innocent human being, stems cells for research does not have to come from others who lives have been taken away for the purpose of research and does have beneficial factors. Therefore, the stem cells from aborted embryos should …show more content…

Firstly, couples who do not have that choice when it come to the decision to abort may feel as if the pregnancy was not meant to be and may consider donating their embryo to save others’ lives. Secondly, many couples donate because they fear that abortion clinics will discard embryos after they leave the clinic. Lastly, most couples who donate are going through In Vitro Fertilization (also known as IVF treatment). IVF treatment is basically a treatment for couples who experience fertility issues. This treatment is the process of combining a sperm and an egg in a laboratory then later implanted into a women uterus. Sometime this procedure does not go as planned so many couples who go through this type of treatment donate to stem cell research. Another outcome to why some IVF patients might donate is because there are too many leftover embryos that can either be frozen or donated. According to the “Egg Donation for Stem Cell Research: Ideas of Surplus and Deficit in Australian IVF Patients’ and Reproductive Donors’ Accounts,” article a woman discussed how left over embryos can occur. The woman explained that she had 15 eggs taken out, but out of the 15 eggs only 1 was fertilized and became an embryo. The women then had gotten pregnant but miscarried at 10 weeks. She decided to give IVF treatment another try but this time she had 30 eggs taken out instead of 15. She mentioned that this second round of IVF treatment was very painful. So out of the 30 eggs, only eight were successful to implant. After one egg implanted, she became pregnant and decided to freeze the remaining seven embryos (Waldby & Carrol 520). Although this woman did not donate her eggs, it shows the process of how left over embryos occurs and shows why some couples who undergo this type of treatment are willing to donate to

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