Embryonic and adult stem cells are very different. Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells can …show more content…
Embryonic stem cells can potentially cause tumors due to the rapid growth when injected into adults. Another big issue with the research of the embryonic stem cells is that in the far future, this could lead to the knowledge on human cloning. Seeing as embryonic stem cells come from the embryos, adult stem cells biggest advantage is that the body’s own stem cells can be used, effectively removing the problems of immune rejection or abnormalities. Many people who are religious would argue that harvesting the embryo is against belief. This is a main controversy because these people believe that the four-five day old embryo has a soul and is evidently murdered when harvested. They believe that the research on these cells violates the sanctuary of life. Their argument is that the embryo in the situation is a potential human being and see the fertilized egg as starting a