Question 1
Discuss the following elements found in the plan:
A Mission, goals and/or objectives and discuss which of them was the most important and why.
Since Florida is at risk for emergencies or disasters on a daily basis, Florida’s Division of Emergency Management (DEM) 2008-2013 commenced a Strategic Plan. Within these plans, they set up goal and objectives to ensure that they meet the needs of the state, before, during, and after disasters. It is their ultimate goal to have a well-known emergency program in the nation. This goal is not founded upon the desire for praises or gratitude for DEM, but to make sure they are striving daily to improve their methods, by responding to the Floridians needs. Also, to gain a better viewpoint on how the State of Florida compares to other states in regard to state emergency management programs.
Their “Vision” is not to fail, and their “Mission” is working together to ensure Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them, and mitigate against their impact, and to create and implement the DEM Strategic Plan by 7/1/08 (pg. 2 para 1). Their objectives are to formulate response missions for Preparedness Plans, and to incorporate a precise hazard examination and risk assessment. This guarantees the skills required to prevent, protect, respond, and recover from terrorist attacks and natural disasters. Also, their objective is to establish an Emergency Management Advisory Working Group. With this group, they will maintain an ongoing dialogue, and meet with them twice a year, to develop a marketing plan. They will also Identify and improve the leadership process, and prepare the agency, customers, and stakeholders for response to disastrous incidents (pg. 8 para. 2).
The most important to me is their mission, of working together as a unit, to ensure that Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them, and mitigate against their impacts. With
References: 1. Florida Division of Emergency Management (2008). Strategy Plan: FEMA 's Emergency Management Institute. Retrieved from 2013%20Strategic%20Plan.pdf 2. The State Of Florida A Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (2010). Retrieved from 3. Urbina, Elba. (May, (2002). A State-Of-The-Practice Review Of Hurricane Evacuations Plans And Policies, Louisiana State University, Retrieved from: 4. State Of Florida Division of Emergency Management Emergency Operation Plan (2008). Retrieved from 5 .Florida Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (2010). Emergency Support Function 2 Communication. Retrieved from 6 .Florida Disaster (June 6, 2010). Florida Division of Emergency Management. Retrieved from 7. The Northwest Florida Water Management District (2010-2011). Strategic Water Management Plan. Retrieved from 8 .The Northwest Florida Water Management(2008).NWFWMD Land Acquisition Program. Retrieved from