Emerging Leadership Theories
Isaac Jonathan Kurapati
Grand Canyon University: LDR 600
Introduction In this day and age where we want a latest updated version of everything, surviving and sustaining in a company and being fruitful through the change process in order to produce consistent quality deliverables could be quite a challenge, a great leader leads the company through these challenges and shows them success constantly. “Whoevers constant success must change with time”(Niccolo Machiavelli, 1879). Therefore, justly, Change is the one thing that is perpetual in today’s world. In this day and age, keeping up with this change and staying at the top in the market is becoming a growing challenge in organizations. To keep up to this change, many leaders are adopting and incorporate the servant leadership skillset, because it’s very helpful and an expedient way to lead a firm into success. The act of leading a follower with a servant-hood like view is called Servant Leadership.
Servant-Leadership Definition A Servant leader includes and maintains many relationships with his/her followers, taking care of them. “Leadership was bestowed on a person who was by nature a servant”. Greenleaf (1970, 1977) Leaders should become a servant first and help or support the followers. Servant leadership is marginally different from generic leadership, where it explains the strong relationship between the leader and followers, where they are completely dependent on leadership actions and in the decision making of the organizing team. The ethical theory of leadership is completely based on leadership and their behavioral actions to decide good or bad in a particular situation. Finally, the full range theory is a combination of both transactional leadership style and transformational leadership style. In comparing the above said leadership styles with servant leadership,
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