Emerging technology is described as a media that is coming into existence, or moving towards commonality. It is seen as original technology that is redesigning the nature of education (Pacansky-Brock, M. 2013).
Computer and network based technologies now hold huge capability for increasing the access to information as well as a method for encouraging learning. Classrooms have continual growing universal access to information. Emerging technologies are providing the opportunity for classrooms to be more engaging, to enhance collaborative learning and create productive learning environments, all of which can be tailored to student’s specific needs and learning styles (Hooper, S. Rieber, L. P. 1995).
A common factor in deterring teaching staff from incorporating emerging technologies is the lack of hardware and software available. Within my workplace it is very common for programs to stop working, computers to crash and there is also a common issue of there not being enough computers for the students. To successfully incorporate useful technology demands a substantial amount of money, money to purchase the newest and most up to date computers, programs and technology. As technology is continually improving the investment therefore also needs to be continual.
Another large problem with technology integration is the lack of professional development directed towards integrating technology into the classroom. Another barrier to this is an educator’s familiarity with technologies and emerging technology (Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1992).
Curriculum guides can be so restricted in their flexibility and time that it can be extremely difficult to incorporate new technologies. Today 's drive for time on task in the classroom limits the amount of time available to integrate new technology into existing programs. As there is a lot of flexibility in the units I deliver I have the advantage of having the time to try emerging and
Bibliography: Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt. (1992). The Jasper Experiment: An Exploration of Issues in Learning and Instructional Design. Educational Technology Research and Development. 40 (1), p.60-80 Hooper, S. Rieber, L. P (1995). Teaching with technology. Teaching: Theory into practice. Needham Heights: Allyn and Bacon. p154-170. Pacansky-Brock, M (2013). Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies. Oxon: Routledge. p2. Safe. (2013). i-SAFE’s e-Safety Solutions. Available: http://isafe.org/wp/?page_id=206. Last accessed 20th December 2013