One Day National Conference on
Innovations & research in commerce & management
SSIBM, Tumkur-05
*Faculty member, DOS in commerce, Davangere university. Shivagangothri, Davangere.
**student. M.COM 2nd year ,
DOS in commerce,
Davangere university. Shivagangothri, Davangere.
***student. M COM 2nd year, DOS in commerce,
Davangere university. Shivagangothri, Davangere.
“Emerging Trends in Banking – Challenges and Opportunities” abstract: Today banking is known as innovative banking. Information technology has given rise to new innovations in the product designing and their delivery in the banking and finance industries, customer services and customer satisfaction are their prime work. One of the most significant areas where IT has had a positive impact so on substitutes for traditional funds movement services. With the advent of electronic banking electronic funds transfer and other Similar products funds transfer within time frames which would have appeared impossible a few years ago. With networking and internet connection new challenges are arising related to security privacy and confidentiality to transactions. Finally the banking sector will need to master a new business model by building management and customer services with a variety of products and controlled cost to stay in the long run and services.
Key words: E-Banking, ATM ,Internet Security, NPA, CRR,
Today, we are having a fairly well developed banking system with different classes of banks – public sector banks, foreign banks, private sector banks – both old and new generation, regional rural banks and co-operative banks with the Reserve Bank of India as the fountain Head of the system. The traditional functions of banking are limited to accept deposits and to give loans and advances. Today banking is known as innovative banking. Information technology
Bibliography: 1. Niti Bhasin: (2007)“Banking development in India 1947 to 2007” century publication Delhi 110005 2. Romeo S. Mascarenhas (2008)“Marketing in banking and Insurance” Vipul prakashan Mumbai 400004. 3. Uppal R.K. (2007)“Banking services and information Technology” New century publications, new Delhi. 4. The Chartered Accountant Volume 56 No 5 November 2007 edition. 5. Mishra S.K., Puri V.K.: Economic Environment of Business, Himalaya Publishing House, 2002, P. 28. 6. www.rbi.org.in 7. www.indiatoday.com Contact information.. E-mail;princepunibs@gmail.com Punith B S ; 9743239986 Thippesha. M : 9535864363