What is most interesting about the electromagnetic field is that, not only does it exist as a natural phenomenon around us, but it is also produced by a large number of the technological advances we have made and that we now tend to take for granted. For example, the microwave oven that most of us …show more content…
Moreover, some studies seem to indicate that children living in close proximity to overhead power lines, in combination with their still developing immune system, are more likely to develop leukemia than children who don't live near these power sources.
Additionally, due to the increase of EMF exposure there has also been a noted increase in miscarriages, birth defects, breast cancer, brain cancers, and Alzheimer's disease, to note a few more of the potential hazards of EMF. EMFs have also been associated with an increase of chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, allergies and other environmental disease.
Here's how EMFs work on the human body. EMFs reduce the pineal glands ability to produce melatonin, which is a hormone that has been medically proven to control circadian rhythms and mood. EMFs also inhibit the immune system's ability to protect the body from the formation of pre-cancerous cells. When the body's immune system is compromised the body is more susceptible to contracting any number of antigens that it can't naturally fight