In my opinion, this has some of his argument has sound ground to it. I know the table because I have had an interact with it. If I was an alien from a distant plant where no tables existed, I would not have knowledge a table, but that isn’t to say I would have a concept of what a table does which is hold a place for an object. To me, I believe Kant is working within a grey area of thought where it could or couldn’t be applied depending on your particular view of the world.
Contrasting Kant, Heidegger see knowledge of the world through his characteristic Dasein. Heidegger focus on Being and our capacity to make sense of things. Dasein mean “being there”, being in the world. By focusing on Dasein, humans cannot be taken into account except as a being within existence with other things. We are not separated from the world but are apart of it. We are fixed in a physical day to day world as human beings. For Heidegger, the world is here, now and everywhere; we are deeply involved with the world. In his Metaphysics, Heidegger describes human How do we as Dasein know our world? Heidegger would say that it is through moods by which we gain