The story “A Bag of Oranges” by Spiro Athanas tells about a poor family lived in the rotting slum and the boy in this family became a mature person from a childish kid. Because the boy’s father needs to pay his responsibility to his family and the people who he loved, so his rude behavior and act makes his son hate him for a short time. After the boy notice his family’s financial situation, then he realize it’s not easy be an adult to making life run in the society, and you would lose some important things while you are paying responsibility to your family, so he begin understand his father. When the boy know his father hit by a car, all his emotion spew out and make his act like an adult in the end of the story because he take the responsibility from his father. The author wants to tell us the childish boy becomes a mature boy because the boy understands take care of a family need you pay a lot or got misunderstand. He throws all his childish behavior away and tries to take the responsibility to his family and the people who he loved. Sometimes, it’s not easy to be an adult because you need swallow all tough things with no childish emotion.
At the beginning of the story, the boy is a really childish kid because he doesn’t understand anything about life. When his father goes to buy two boxes of strawberries and it’s just thirty cents for two, his father still bargains with the vendor three times. Finally, he gets two boxes of strawberries for 25 cents. Even though he still think the vendor is not good. As the story say, “The boy watched and listened to this dialogue, intrigued and a little frightened. But the smile on his father’s lips as they walked away reassured him. (p.217)” The boy doesn’t try to understand the conversation’s meaning. He is just confused and gets scare of the dirty words what his father say like many kids will to do that. It shows us that the boy was childish, had no idea about life at first. He can easily forget