1. The ability model, developed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer, focuses on the individual's ability to process emotional information and use it to navigate the social environment.
2. The trait model as developed by Konstantin Vasily Petrides, "encompasses behavioral dispositions and self-perceived abilities and is measured through self-report".
3. The mixed model is a combination of both ability and trait EI. It defines EI as an array of skills and characteristics that drive leadership performance, as proposed by Daniel Goleman.
4. The Bar-On model which describes this construct as an array of interrelated emotional and social competencies, skills and facilitators that impact intelligent behavior, measured by self-report as well as multi-rater or what is also referred to as 360-degree assessment. …show more content…
; the first two are based on the Goleman model and the last one on the ability model.
1. The Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI), which was created in 1999. The Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI), a newer edition of the ECI was developed in 2007. These tools developed by Goleman and Boyatzis provide a behavioral measure of the Emotional and Social