Failure in reading has frequently been associated with emotional problems, and, in turn, emotional problems have been attributed to reading failure and reading difficulty. Social adjustment, too, have been related to reading problems. In many cases, intense emotional strain and reading disability seem to interact. Most children with reading problems are not emotionally stable and socially deprived. According to Page (1952), “there are two emotional factors in reading disabilities: (a) the role of emotion in reading disabilities in which the child’s capacity to direct and concentrate his attention is affected; (b) causes of undesirable emotion reactions wherein more individuals are more prone to develop fear patterns of behavior under stress while others become angry when threatened.” However, the children need to be considered as identical to the normal children. Thus, they need emotional security, need for personal worth, need for social acceptance, need for order and stability and the need for recreation and play. Like normal children, they also want to live in a normal way. Attempts have been made to provide these children with whatever kind of help will enable them to lead most nearly normal and self-directing lives.
Clinicians have usually considered that the emotional maladjustment produces the reading difficulty; other investigators have claimed that the unsocial and disturbed behavior of the individual is the result of frustration, tensions, stress, and strain associated with failure. Remedial specialists have recognized personality disturbances and accompany reading disability and have realized that, at times, diagnosis must be administered before correction of the reading difficulty can take place.
According to Baker,, “home and family influences on children’s motivations for reading. Children whose encounters with literacy are enjoyable are more likely to develop a predisposition to read frequently and broadly in subsequent