Our emotions are controlled by our limbic system. The limbic system is a group of structures that control our emotions. The structure that make up are limbic system are: amygdala, mammillary body, hippocampus, fornix, cortex of cingulate gyrus, septum, olfactory bulb, and hypothalamus. It is believed that emotions are expressed through the actions of these structures. There are three main theories of emotions. These theories are the Darwin theory, James Lange theory, and the Cannon-Bard theory.…
The Limbic System about emotions proposed that emotional expression is controlled by several interconnected nuclei and tracts that ring the thalamas. It would appear that this considered to be the primary responsible for our emotional life and has a great deal to do with the formation of memories. There are some though that have suggested that the concept of a functionally unified system should be abandoned because it is grounded mainly in historical concepts of brain autonomy that are no longer accepted as…
The treatment method used will depend on the individual situation of the adolescent. Whereas one treatment may be effective for one child, it may not be effective, at all, for another. There are behavioral treatments, family interventions and even medications. There should be an extensive interview with a qualified substance abuse professional to determine which treatment would best fulfill the child’s needs.…
References: Babbage, D. R., & Ronan, K. R. (2000). Philosophical worldview and personality factors in traditional and social scientists: Studying the world in our own image. Personality and Individual Differences. doi:10.1016/S0191-8869(99)00117-8…
What are the basic emotions that humans seem to be able to identify through facial expressions?…
After observing the outside of the venue and its surroundings, I entered Out of Town News in order to interact directly with its proprietors and patrons and to find out more about the venue. The observations and insights I gathered supported my initial hypothesis, stated above. Inside the…
. Deckers, L. (2010). Motivation: Biological, psychological, and environmental (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn & Bacon.…
The Learning Alliance for Higher Education, an educational consulting firm based at the University of Pennsylvania, was hired by City College in 2011 to investigate and make recommendations for improving undergraduate retention and graduation at the College. Even though most City College students receive financial assistance, have decent high school grades, and live at home with their parents – factors that should contribute to good graduation rates – in fact, currently only 7% of students admitted to the College graduate from it in four years. Only 36% graduate in six years. Indeed, roughly half of the students admitted drop out completely within two years. Students who transfer to City College from another school, either inside or outside the CUNY system (e.g., a CUNY community college), disappear even faster: Half leave the College, and half of those leave by their first year at the College.…
The core ability of identifying, perceiving and expressing emotions in yourself and others is an area where you seem to be doing quite well. This aspect of emotional intelligence helps you to read others, understand how they feel, and effectively identify your own emotions. These skills form the basis of your ability to relate to the emotions of others as well as well as your ability to understand yourself. Review the results below for further information on areas that may need improvement.…
Face could show wide range of emotion from happy, optimistic, joyful to aggressive, anxious, sad and negative.…
Evaluating the culture-specific and culturally universal aspects of emotional expression. Also, evaluate how this is related to evolutionary psychology. Be sure to discuss how you would integrate this with a Christian worldview.…
When reviewing Nathaniel Hawthorne's Tales, Edgar Allen Poe pronounced that the short story, if skillfully written, should deliver a single preconceived effect- an effect upon which incidents be fashioned to accommodate that effect. Edgar Allen Poe was indeed a skillful writer. His short story, "The Fall of the House of Usher" is a flawless example of a story in which all elements contribute to the delivery of a single emotional effect. Poe accomplishes this by achieving a perfect tone, developing suspense and unifying stylistic elements thereby meeting his own criteria. <br><br>In his pronouncement Poe also wrote that "In the whole composition there should be no word written, of which the tendency, direct or indirect, is not to the one pre-established design." Thus, in "The Fall of the House of Usher" Poe creates a perfect tone critical to the delivery of his preconceived effect. The senses of "insufferable gloom," "utter depression of soul" and " sinking, sickening of the heart" which pervade the narrator's spirit immediately establish the tone. The narrator's description of the scene as "dull," "dark," "bleak," "desolate" and "terrible" all function in communicating the tone. These concrete and denotative words ensure a clear and solid tone is conveyed to the reader thereby contributing to the overall effect of terror. The regular use or repetition of the words "dark," "gloomy" and "oppressive" in some form serves function to further define and emphasize a perfect tone. It also perceivable that Poe's choice in the narrator's role being the participant supports his intent to communicate consistent feelings; hence consistent tone. In order to strengthen his already established tone, Poe selectively uses imagery in scenes of terrible nature. The imagery created by the descriptive details of "the lofty and enshrouded figure of the lady Madeline of Usher" and the "blood upon her white robes evidence of some bitter struggle upon every portion of her emaciated frame."…
The purpose of this essay is to define empathy and discuss its use on how it is used on a daily basis and what makes people feel empathy for others. Empathy is being able to feel and understand what another person is going through or what they have experienced. Typically, it would be a happiness, sadness or anger that would immediately affect how we feel, we would generally feel the same emotion as the person we are in contact with, where as sympathy we would be in agreement on the emotion, really just respecting one another. Empathy is used as a noun, the dictionary meaning for empathy is the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another. The second dictionary meaning of empathy is, the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself.…
Emotional Availability (EA) will be assessed using the fourth edition of the Emotional Availability Scales (EA; Biringen, 2008b; 2008c) and will be coded from laboratory separation-reunion episodes. Its theoretical framework integrates attachment theory with perspectives of EA taking into account the affective qualities of the dyadic relationship. Two versions of EA coding will be used in the current study due to the variations in age (i.e., the infancy/early childhood version for participants aged 2 to 5 and the middle childhood/youth version for participants aged 6 to 8). Both versions are comprised of the six scales. Two scales evaluate aspects of child behaviour (responsiveness and involvement) and four scales which…
“ Empathy. We must understand before we judge.” - Morgan Freeman. I believe you have to know how that person is feeling or going through a situation before you react.…