This study will look into whether there is a relationship between empathy and stigma towards a schizophrenic individual and looking into previous studies. This study was designated to ascertain and explore the relationship between individual’s attitude towards people diagnosed with a mental illness and their empathy levels. This study will additionally examine the effects of manipulating symptom severity on stigma. The research was conducted by giving out ‘two’ separate groups different descriptions of Harry’s symptoms (mild versus severe). The results suggest that…
In recent years, there has been considerable research which was looking into various topics in relation to stigma and schizophrenia and the extent to which they are valid. Population surveys demonstrate that despite increased awareness of the nature, yet many individuals among the public tend to still …show more content…
Stigma doesn’t typically come from society itself, but it could however occur within relatives or parents. For instance, a participant within a previous research indicated that her mother is ashamed of her and conveys to the neighbours that she isn’t her daughter, although the participant stated she was really hurt at first, but as time passed by, she got used to the humiliation.
The relationship between stigma and empathy is that the higher the sympathy, the lower the stigma. Subsequently, if an individual is being marked and always mortified, may lead another individual to feel concerned towards them, in light of the fact that placing themselves in their shoes, may empowers them to get improved perspective. Albeit, back in the days, schizophrenics were dealt with treacherously, in the light of assumption of them being possessed, which in the end drove them(schizophrenics) to being locked up and thrashed