The attitudes that the Chinese Han dynasty and the Romans conveyed towards technology depended on the government’s views on technology and also the relationship of the government with its people and laborers, but ultimately it would benefit the people and contribute to the development of society. Technology was vital to a society because it made the decreased work for laborers significantly, as in Documents 3 and 4. Documents 1, 6, and 8 display how, in order for a society to develop, the growth of technology is essential. Document 2 shows how a government’s view on technology can influence whether or not it can be beneficial to society or not. Whether or not technology contributes to society also depends on how the state chooses to utilize it, which is expressed in Documents 5 and 7. The place in the social hierarchy the authors of the documents were from certainly was influential in how the author viewed technology. It was displayed in the tone of the writing whether it showed sympathy towards the people, spoke lowly of the people, or spoke highly of certain people who influenced technology. An additional document portraying a commoner’s attitude toward technology would be helpful to gain a wider view of the affect of technology on society. It would show whether or not the people of a state agreed with their rulers’ views on technology. Although the attitudes toward technology varied between the Han Chinese and the Romans, in the end, technology would be utilized to improve society.…