Money may be the fifth necessities nowadays because each person needs to buy all four necessities with money. People can move somewhere if they have money to live in their new house. People might stay home if they do not have money even though they have many plans to escape a house. For example, some person has plans to depart a house. That person knows where he wishes to go for living. That person may not have a personal car, but that person might use transportation. However, that person has to buy food to survive and tickets for taking transportation. People have to spend money for renting a room or a house when they arrive at the destination where they wish to live. Although people travel a long journey, they will eventually think that it is difficult to leave a house without money because families might sometimes support them at home. Everybody has encountered numerous problems since a human was born. Some obstacles may be easy to solve by themselves while some people might desire some advice to support them to clarify harder problems. Deciding to depart a house is not simple to spend people’s lives each day because they will face several dilemmas alone. Humans do not have any
Money may be the fifth necessities nowadays because each person needs to buy all four necessities with money. People can move somewhere if they have money to live in their new house. People might stay home if they do not have money even though they have many plans to escape a house. For example, some person has plans to depart a house. That person knows where he wishes to go for living. That person may not have a personal car, but that person might use transportation. However, that person has to buy food to survive and tickets for taking transportation. People have to spend money for renting a room or a house when they arrive at the destination where they wish to live. Although people travel a long journey, they will eventually think that it is difficult to leave a house without money because families might sometimes support them at home. Everybody has encountered numerous problems since a human was born. Some obstacles may be easy to solve by themselves while some people might desire some advice to support them to clarify harder problems. Deciding to depart a house is not simple to spend people’s lives each day because they will face several dilemmas alone. Humans do not have any