Executive Summary
This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the employee selection and performance appraisal methods of CSM Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Methods of analysis included a look at the current processes in place, interviews of the Human Resources department, research of literature provided by the custom text as well as from scholarly articles and journals. Results indicate that even though CSM has a structured employee selection procedure that seems to be working, it lacks reliability and validity. The performance appraisal system overall is functional but will need improvements to make it efficient, fair and devoid of ethical and legal concerns. Recommendations discussed in both areas include:
Training interviewers on appropriate methods to use during the selection process; that they understand the effectiveness and limitations of the procedure to the organization and also training on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) considerations to limit legal labiality.
Introduce employment testing in the selection process since testing is more objective than interviews and can afford to give the hiring manager a fuller understanding of the capabilities of different candidates.
Train appraisers on the performance appraisal system; beginning with setting of clear goals through the appraisal interview process.
Create a calibration system to address performance rating issues and to ensure reliability and validity in the system.
Create an anonymous appeal system to enable employees challenge their rating scores to avoid any legal and ethical concerns.
The success or failure of organizations depends greatly on the skills and talents of its employees. Managers directly influence this success or failure through the people they bring aboard through hiring. Regardless of the size of the organization, hiring the best and smartest
References: Bagley, C. & Savage, D. (2010).Managers and the legal environment: Strategies for the 21st century (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Barrick, M. R., & Zimmerman, R. D. (2009). Hiring for retention and performance. Human Resource Management, 48(2), 183-206. Bohlander, G. &Snell, S. (2010). Managing human resources, (15th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage Fink, S. B. (2011). From guess to process: A systematic approach to hiring and retention. Employment Relations Today (Wiley), 38(3), 11-18. doi:10.1002/ert.20350 Kondrasuk, J. N. (2012). THE IDEAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IS A FORMAT, NOT A FORM. Academy Of Strategic Management Journal, 11(1), 115-130.