Final Report and Presentation
Darnise Jordan
Rasmussen College
Author Note
This paper is being submitted on June 20, 2014 for, Yulanda Harris’ B433 Human Resource Recruitment and Selection class.
JR Smith Training and Consulting Firm, Inc.
Staffing Strategies Assistance Report
Staffing Plan
JR Smith can use sourcing as a way to locate qualified individuals and the labor markets to recruit them from. This is a way to identify potential candidates by gathering names, job titles and job responsibilities. After these potential candidates are identified then recruiting can occur. Recruiting is used to get the right people interested in working for the organization. Recruiting is …show more content…
The job descriptions should reflect careful thought as to the roles the individual will fill, the skill sets they 'll need, the personality attributes that are important to completing their tasks, and any relevant experience that would differentiate one applicant from another ( They should also compile a success profile for the positions and post ads for the positions in mediums that will most likely reach the desired applicants. This can be through traditional newspapers, the internet and industry publications.
JR Smith could also choose to recruit from a nontraditional employee pool. They are often overlooked by other employers. These types of applicants might differ from typical hires in terms of their educational background, previous employment, age, and so forth (Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. 2009, pp. 158). They can, however, still be good performers. Three types of workers that fall into this group are workers with disabilities, welfare recipients and older workers. On the outset they might look undesirable but many of these workers very qualified for the job.
Comprehensive Recruitment …show more content…
Executive Career Coaching can provide assistance with career management and employee development at the individual level. Using individual coaching and assessments, the coach will guide the employees through the selection of the career path within the organization that best matches their interests and abilities ( Career planning should be a part of this model as well. Career planning is a continuous process of career-oriented self-assessment and goal setting (Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. 2009, pp.