To: Traci Goldeman
From: Edwina Wilson
Date: 6/11/14
SUBJECT: Employment Law Compliance Plan (Landslide Limousines)
In response to your request to have an employment law compliance plan for our client, Bradley Stonefiled who plans on starting a limousine service called Landslide Limousine, I have developed an employment plan which covers both State and Federal employment laws. Being in compliance with the Texas state employment laws, as well as Federal employment laws will greatly help out client in avoiding and penalties. The employment plan is based on Texas employment laws, which is where our client's base of operations will be. The employment plan will also include Federal employment laws which are relevant to our client's needs in helping him start his limousine service. I have also included the consequences for not being compliant with State and Federal employment laws.
Texas Employment Laws
Texas is a right-to-work State. This means that a person cannot be denied employment based on the fact that they are or are not a member of a labor union or other labor organization.
The Texas Labor Code has five titles: General Provisions, Protection of Laborers, Employer-Employee Relations, Employment Services and Unemployment, and Workers' Compensation (Texas Statue, 2013). The Texas Labor Code covers all aspects of employment.
Title II (Protection of Labors) covers wages and discrimination. Being noncompliant can result in a civil action being brought by the employee, which can result in a monetary award that is determined by the courts (Texas Statue, Chapter1).
Title IV (Employment Services & Unemployment) covers unemployment benefits and insurance which our client will be responsible. Failing to make unemployment contribution can result in a class "A" misdemeanor (Texas Statue, Chapter2).
Title V (Workers' Compensation) covers workers' compensation insurance coverage, workers' health and safety, and workers' compensation benefits. The