Electronic Medical Records and Safety
This article I believe covers all the basses that have to do with EMRs. This article goes over the safety that EMRs can provide patient with along with how it can improve the work environment and it can also increases the overall organization of an office as well. This article also goes over how EMRs can improve patient care. The main issues that are highlighted in this article are how there are many doctors that don’t like using EMR because they believe that there is no reason to change the medical industry by bringing in EMRs there are also people that believe that EMRs put patients information at risk of being stolen. EMRs can speed up the proses of health care delivery, it is much easier to be able to put information in to a computer and be able to open the records from anywhere from the office then having to find a patient’s medical file. EMRs affect health care in a good way; it makes it easier for Doctor and there staff to keep track of patient records and history. EMRs also make it safer for patient’s information, and it can make an office more organizes. The Medical technology that is now throughout the health care industry has greatly improved interactions and communication between health care provider’s, physicians and patients, the use of EMRs also provide patients with better quality of care, it also makes it easier for physicians to keep track of patient care and there health. Yes I do agree with the author’s views of this article, the author believes that EMRs can improve a patients over all care given by a Doctor’s Office, the author also believes that by using EMRs it can also improve the safety patient information. The author recommends that all clinics and doctors’ offices should go paperless because it can make a doctor’s visits shorter by 30 minutes compared to doctors’ offices that have not gone paperless.
References: • http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.apollolibrary.com/docview/1331146131