Assignment Two: Enabling and Assessing Learning
Section 1 Page 3
Section 2 Page 7
Section 3 Page 10
Bibliography Page 12
Appendices Page 13 * Candidate Profiles Appendix 1,2 * Scheme of Work Appendix 3 * Lesson Plans Appendix 4,5 * Learning Materials Appendix 6, 7 * Activity Assessments Appendix 8, 9 * Feedback and Action Plans Appendix 10
Section 1 – Understanding Learning and Assessment
To enable and assess learning it is important to understand how individuals learn. Individuals learn in different ways and at different speeds. As a teacher it is important to understand the theories of how and why people learn so that the individual needs of the learner are addressed. Learning theories have been more influential since the early 1990’s. (Avis, 2010)
There are many learning theorists who have studied how and why people learn, some examples are Pavlov, Skinner who are behaviourists. Dewey, Bruner who are Cognitivists. Maslow, Rogers who are Humanists. Kolb and Bloom who are Reflective enquiry.
Behaviourism looked at learning in a scientific way, theorist of the time believed that they could teach anything as they could condition an animal to behave in a particular way, whether it was a dog to salivate by the use of food, Pavlov (Learning and Teaching [internet], or pigeons playing table tennis, by breaking the game down into a sequence of actions, Skinner (Edschool.csueastbay [internet]. The person was conditioned to their environment. However behaviourism is very limited, due to the need to repeat the process so many times. This in turn reduces how fulfilled the learner would be especially if the lesson was purely based on behavioural learning. However behaviourism is still important in today’s classroom in the systematic reinforcement of each aspect which helps build up here understanding. Also giving praise, and giving the
References: Harry Torrance. (2007). Assessment as learning? How the use of explicit learning objectives, assessment criteria and feedback in post-secondary education and training can come to dominate learning. Assesment in Education , 14 (3), pp281-294. James Avis, Roy Fisher, Ron Thompson. (2010). Teaching in Life Long Learning: A Guide to Theory and Practice (1st Edition ed.). Maidenhead: McGraw Hill. Petty, G. (2009). Evidence Based Teaching: A Practical Approach (2nd Edition ed.). Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Tummons, J. (2007). Assessing Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Second edition ed.). Exeter: Learning Matters. Ian Reece, Stephen Walker (2009). Teaching, Training and Learning: A practical Guide (6th Edition ed.). Tyne and Wear: Business Education Publishers.