Bus 160 10-30-2013
Encouraging Employees through Feedback and Coaching
In organizational behavior I have learned that giving feedback and coaching others is very helpful for employees to succeed and the business as well. When you encourage others to do well, work runs smoothly too. Employees are more likely to enjoy their job and be willing to give their best when they know well what is expected from work and receive feedback. Businesses also have to look into motivating employees through job design, goal setting, performance appraisals, and performance incentives.
Let’s look first on how we can motivate and give feedback through job design. Employees usually quit or start lagging on their jobs for various reasons and in order to not get those results we motivate employees to come to work first. Employees should be given responsibilities, and if they have a repetitive task at work that needs to be performed those tasks need to be rotated by the manager. That employee could quit if he get bored of doing the same thing. But on the other side if the company has tasks identification, for example if a person works on fixing computers and has most of the experience on fixing the software, the company should have that person fixing the software what he likes doing and is best at. Not the keyboard or screen other employees that like and have the experience can do it. We also have to give them the opportunity of doing their own tasks in a different way, if they can think about an easier or faster way let them that’s a good way of letting the employees know they are appreciated, and if they don’t do something right we know what they need help on and can coach them. When I was trying to coach an employee at the clothing store I work at, I fist thought about if it made a difference in the community. After thinking for ten minutes I realize it does make a difference for all the people who walk in, customers walk in seeking for a better look
References: Book: Organizational Behavior by Talya Beur