
Enduring Love Act 2 Scene 1 Analysis

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Enduring Love Act 2 Scene 1 Analysis
Jean Valjean spent nineteen years in prison, and for that whole time he fostered a hate for all the world. Hugo tells us that this prolonged hatred made him capable of two types of evil. Firstly, he could commit instinctual unpremeditated actions of evil. Secondly, he was also capable of deliberate, grave, premeditated evil (366). While Jean Valjean's coping mechanism was not very healthy, it did offer Valjean stability, but all ballasts were thrown overboard when Valjean encountered the Bishop of D ––. In his opening scene, the audience becomes aware of all of Valjean's needs; The Bishop of D –– meets those needs completely. Valjean goes to the house indicated to him by the kind lady. The Bishop invites him in. Valjean, in an attempt to destroy any false hopes which may have been growing in his heart, quickly explains his situation to the Bishop, and begs for food and shelter. Unperturbed by Valjean's diatribe, the …show more content…
Valjean hears these words first and foremostly as an attack. The Bishop was trying to manipulate the course of Valjean's life. He was trying to destroy Valjean's self-conception, and his philosophy of hatred. But the Bishop spoke with authority that he did not have. Valjean has the power to obstinately cling to his current beliefs, and reject the Bishop's pardon. The Bishop had no power to affect Valjean, unless Valjean allowed it. Jean Valjean's fate rests in his hands. If Valjean accepts the pardon, then he must honor the call; he must strive to become a good man. But what if he does not accept the pardon, what then? What does it mean to reject the Bishop's invitation? Jean Valjean concludes that only a brute, only a monster would say no to goodness. It must be stated that Valjean is not approaching these questions with the cool head of a philosopher. He is wracked with existential torment. His destiny hinges on these questions; he cannot approach them

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