Eng – 225
Instructor – Alex Vuilleumier
November 25, 2012
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the movie called “Steel Magnolias” (1989) directed by Herbert Ross. Steel Magnolias has been one of my families favorite films for many years; however, my intentions are to carefully critique the movie based on storytelling, acting, cinematography, edit, sound, style, and finally my interpretation of the film from a critics point of view. Storytelling and review should start with the Goethe’s three questions then the truth test. “from late 18th/early 19th–century poet and playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s autobiography that form the basis of virtually all critical reaction to theater, film, literature, or creative art ask three questions: What is film trying to say?, How well does the film say it?, and Was it worth saying?” (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2010). The truth test asks: is the film true to itself? And does the film explore some deep truth about human nature? (Goodykoontz & Jacobs, 2010). Steel Magnolias is about film is about the bond among a group of women from a parish in the Natchitoches, Louisiana, area. Steel Magnolias is a metaphoric title that suggests the main female characters can be as delicate as magnolias, but are as tough as steel. The internal conflict is between the mother and daughter relationship. The married daughter, who has type one diabetes, is contemplating on having a child, however the mother indignantly disagrees. The mother is concerned her daughter’s body chemistry cannot handle child birth. The daughter, being tough as steel, becomes pregnant. The majority of the town including the father is excited, but the mother is concerned. Several months pass, the daughter successfully delivers a baby boy. However, several months later Shelby begins showing signs of kidney failure and starts dialysis. The mother offers to donate a kidney to her daughter and the transplant
References: oodykoontz, Bill & Jacobs, Christopher. (2010) Film: From Watching to Seeing San Diege, CA, Bridgepoint Education,Inc .http:// content.ashford.eduFilm Editing, Movie Editing, Video Editing, Become a Film Editor, Video Editor. (n.d.). WILDsound - www.wildsound.ca home page. Retrieved from http://www.wildsound-filmmaking-feedback-events.com/film-editing.htmlGenre Films and the Status Quo by Judith Hess. (n.d.). JCsplash. Retrieved from http://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC01folder/GenreFilms.htmlSteel Magnolias (1989). (n.d.). Box Office Mojo. Retrieved from http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=main&id=steelmagnolias.htmSteel Magnolias | Chicago Critic. (n.d.). Chicago Critic | Latest Chicago Plays, Theatre Reviews, stage shows, Opera, Theater Tickets, music critiques, theatre articles, art beat. Retrieved from http://chicagocritic.com/steel-magnolias/#!Retrieved from http:// www.tcm.com/this-month/article/188699|0/Steel-Magnolias.htmlRetrieved from http://Enter URLwww.creativeskillset.org/film/jobs/direction/article_3880_1.asp |