English 101
5 February 2015
Wendy Byard
The Journey to the End As I glide across the snow feeling the cool crisp wind running through my coat. My dad and I always go up north once a year to go snowmobiling. Preparing for our snowmobile trip took forever. We always over packed and brought everything from sleeping bags, food, clothing, and gas for ourselves and snowmobiles, but when we were finished we hit the road. My dad drove in one truck with the snowmobiles and I drove in another truck hauling our camper for the three hour drive. That year was going to be different I knew it; we got more snow than we had in over 5 years.
For months we had this trip planned from me studying the trails, knowing were the rally points are in case we got lost, and where the gas station where. Finally we arrived up north at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. As we pulled through the gate there was about two feet of snow. After we park the camper and made share everything was set up I went and got firewood, soon after the fire was start we ate and then headed to bed. 6 am we woke up and ate steak, bacon and eggs and a tall glass of oranges I was so pumped to get on the trails my dad open the snowmobile trailer and there you saw a two lighting green Arctic Cats ZR 800 as me and my dad started them up the roar on the engine’s was empowering. My dad took his out first then I followed him. We went on trails to test drive them to make share everything was good. You could hear the winding of the engine as we slid on the trials, as we made our stops on the trails we decided that everything was good and to keep going. “You stay behind me for now until you know where you’re going” my dad said. I eagerly shook my head so we could get a move on.
Three hours later we pull up to this bar and park and went inside to eat as we sat down a few guys started a conversation with us knowing not to talk to stranger my dad did all the talking. After the waitress took our ordered and left I