English Education at the
College Level in Korea & Nepal
By Yam Bahadur Khatri
Academic Ph.D. Dissertation Programme Division
Department of the English Education & Literature of Liberal Arts Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea
March 2014
Dear Sir/Madam
This questionnaire is a part of my research study entitled "English Education at the College Level in Korea, & Nepal" under the supervision of Professor Dr. Kim Sun Bok , Department of English Education, Faculty of Education, ... ... ... .University, Nepal/Korea. The major objectives of this study are to find out the techniques adopted by English teacher while Research on English Education at the College Level, to experience the opinion of the teachers towards the TEL and to suggest some feedback implication.
Your cooperation in completing the questionnaire will be of great value to me. Please feel free to put your responses required in questionnaire. I assure you that the response you make will have no harmful effects but useful, and carry out valuable meaning to you as well as others.
Yam Bahadur Khatri
Teachers' Name : Date :
Name of School : Gender:
Number of Students:
Teachers' Experience:
Questionnaire for ELT Teachers
1. How do you prepare yourself for conducting English Education ? ____________________________________________________________
2. Why do you teach Education in English Language in the classroom ? ____________________________________________________________
3. How do you arouse students interest in taking part in ELC at College ? ____________________________________________________________
4. What type of techniques do you prefer to take in ELC at College Level ? ____________________________________________________________
5. Which aspect of English Education do you think more important in Class ? Give reason. a. grammar b. pronunciation g. None of them c. fluency d. content h. Education policy e. organization f. vocabulary ____________________________________________________________
6. Which of the following level of English Education do you choose ? a. sound discrimination b. comprehension of connected speech
7. Which of the following sound discrimination do you feel easy to EL ? a. stress b. intonation
8. Which of the following techniques do you prefer to use in English Class ? a. reading aloud b. picture description c. oral interview d. free talking e. interaction with fellow candidates
9. Are your students really interested in participating English Education in Class ? a. Yes b. No If No, what may be the reason behind it ? 10. Which of the following format do you prefer in English Education Class at College Level ? a. pictures b. describing people's appearance c. multiple choice d. listening to the instructions to check the language skills of students
11. What type of visual material do you use to ELT skill in the classroom ? ____________________________________________________________
12. How often do you use the following techniques activities for the students.
Once a week
Reading aloud
Picture description
Oral interview
Free talking
Interaction with fellow candidates
Responses to audio or video recording
13. How did they feel answering the question asked to them ? a. Nervous b. Confident If nervous please mention the problem. ____________________________________________________________
14. What type of questions do you ask ? a. Closed b. Opened c. Alternatives
15. How was the behaviour of students while taking part in taking your class ? a. Active b. Passive
16. Which techniques did you find easy ? Why ? a. Loud reading b. Picture description c. Oral interview d. free talking ___________________________________________________________
17. Did you find any difficulties in it ? ____________________________________________________________
18. How do you make English Education more effective ? ____________________________________________________________
19. How much time do you separate for ELT Class activities in a week ? a. 1 hour b. 2 hours c. 3 hours d. 4 hours
20. Do you think above mentioned time is sufficient for ELT Class ? a. yes b. No
21. What problem do you face during English Education Class ? ____________________________________________________________
22. Do you conduct any extra communicative activity ? If yes, mention any two extra communicative activities. a. ________________________ b. ________________________
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
Classroom Observation Form
Teachers Name : Date :
Name of the School : No. of Students: \
S.N .
Very good
Fairly satisfactory
Classroom management
Students motivation
Students interest
Use of material in the classroom
Teacher's attention to Students ability develop
Teachers control over class
Students teacher interaction
Student-student interaction
Students involvement
Focuses on Language function
Very good
Describing action
Describing people
Describing objects
Expressing likes/dislikes
Focuses on Techniques
Reading aloud
Oral drill
Picture description
Oral interview
Telling a story
Questions and request for information
Request for elaboration
Appearing not to understand
Invitation to ask questions
Abrupt change to topic
6.7 pictures 6.8
Role play
Interaction with fellow candidates
Role play
Responses to audio/video recordings
Describing situation
Simulated conversation
APPENDIX-I (Multilevel diversity ELT)
Dear Sir/Madam,
This questionnaire is a research tool for gathering information for my research entitled "English Education at the College Level in Nepal, & Korea" for the partial fulfillment of my Ph.D of Education in English at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. I am carrying out this research under the guidance of Dr. Kim Sun Bok, Professor of the Department of English Education. The questions are based on diversity in ELT classes, challenges and opportunities in a diverse ELT class and the strategies for coping with those challenges.
The correct information provided by you will be of great help for the successful completion of this research. Your name and the name of your organization are optional and your participation is voluntary. All the information collected through the questionnaire will be kept highly confidential and used only for research purpose. I would be grateful if you could kindly spare some time to complete the questionnaire below.
If you have any queries regarding the questionnaire or research, please do not hesitate to talk to the researcher in person or contact him on ... ... ... or send an email to yammichael@yohoo.com
Yam Bahadur Khatri
Please go through the questionnaire and tick ( ) the option that best indicates your response.
English Education at the College Level (ELT Classes)
1. English Education at the College Level in ELT classes refers to a heterogeneous group of students who differ significantly in motivation, goals for learning, aptitude, learning styles, etc. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. Diversity in ELT classes is a norm rather than the exception. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. ELT class I am dealing with is full of diversity. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
5. Diversity in ELT classes is as common as in the society. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
6. We need to value and appreciate English Education in ELT classes. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
7. In ELT classes, there might be students of different language level. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
8. Students of different language level can successfully be taught together provided that the teacher is capable of devising differentiated techniques. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
Challenges in Diverse ELT Classes
1. The teacher faces many challenges while dealing with a diverse ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. The main problem in a diverse ELT class is that it is impossible to make the class beneficial for all the students. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. Deciding appropriate level of instruction and task is challenging in a diverse ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. There is higher level of anxiety among students in a diverse ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
5. One size fits all approach, deeply rooted in the mind of English teachers, has been a fundamental problem in a diverse ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
6. It is common that a diverse ELT class leads the teacher in certain direction rather than being directed by the teacher. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
7. I don't feel any challenges to teach in a diverse ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
8. Do you face any problem to teach at a College Level, ELT class? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please mention the problems you have faced while teaching in such a class. ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................
Opportunities in College Level ELT Classes
1. A good and innovative teacher can change the challenges of a College Level ELT class into opportunities. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. The College Level in ELT class creates lively context for language teaching. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. It is significant and fruitful for the students of low level of language proficiency to have collaborative activities with brighter ones in receiving natural i+1 input. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. Opportunities in a College Level ELT class are simply outcomes of more or less controlled research which can never be helpful in real-teaching. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
5. Teaching in a College ELT class has helped me develop professionally. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
6. Most of the English language teachers think about minimizing problems in College Level class rather than creating opportunities from the existing diversity. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
7. Teacher education in our context has never dealt with creating opportunities in a College Level ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
8. What opportunities have you seen in College Level ELT classes in your context? And what aspect the country this education policy ? Please mention them. ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................
Strategies for Coping with the Challenges
1. Though there are a number of challenges in a College Level ELT class, they can be managed to a large extent. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. Though the challenges of a College Level ELT class can be minimized to a great extent, it is impossible to avoid them completely. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. The best way to deal with the problems of a College Level ELT class is to devise individualized techniques for the same lesson. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. Collaborative learning is instrumental in solving the problems of a College Level ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
5. Contextual language teaching is significantly helpful for an English teacher who has to deal with a College Level ELT class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
6. The same learning task is appropriate for all our students. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
7. A College Level ELT class is always dominated by a handful of bright students. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
8. Do you face any challenge while teaching in a College Level ELT class? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, please mention the strategies you adopt for coping with those challenges. or you can suggest to your Ministry of Education how it more effective and implementation meet certain goal! ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................
Thank you for your kind co-operation.
Dear Students,
This questionnaire is a research tool for gathering information for my research entitled "English Education at the College Level (ELT) Classes in Korea & Nepal" for the partial fulfillment of my Ph.D. of Education in English at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea. I am carrying out this research under the guidance of Dr. Kim Sun Bok, Professor of the Department of English Education. The questions are based on English Education in ELT classes, challenges and opportunities in a College Level ELT class and the strategies for coping with the challenges.
The correct information provided by you will be of great help for the successful completion of this research. Your name and the name of your school are optional and your participation is voluntary. All the information collected through the questionnaire will be kept highly confidential and used only for research purpose. I would be grateful if you could kindly spare some time to complete the questionnaire below.
If you have any queries regarding the questionnaire or research, please do not hesitate to talk to the researcher in person or contact him on ... ... ... ... or send an email to yammichael@yohoo.com
Yam Bahadur Khatri
Please go through the questionnaire and tick ( ) the option that best indicates your response.
English Education at the College Level in Korea and Nepal in ELT Classes
1. My English teacher devises different levels of exercises for different groups of students in the same class. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. Sometimes the activities devised for us vary in terms of complexity. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. Our teacher humiliates the ones who have made mistakes showing the one who can solve the problem correctly. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. Our teacher expects all of us in the class to have the same level of language proficiency without any exception. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
Challenges at College Level, ELT Classes
1. Our teacher complains in the class saying that it has been very difficult for him to teach because we vary in terms of our language proficiency level. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. How do you feel about the level of your language proficiency compared to your classmates? a. High b. Medium c. Low
3. I feel bored in my class because my teacher spends significant amount of time in teaching the subject matter that I have already known. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. I don't feel confident in my class because the language used by my teacher and classmates is beyond my level. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
English Education at the College Level in Korea and Nepal, ELT Classes
1. The most important thing for me in my class is that I can facilitate my classmates in different activities. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. In a College Level ELT class, we can learn as much from one another as we learn from the teacher. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. In a College Level ELT class we work cooperatively helping one another. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. Please mention some of the opportunities that you have noticed in a College Level ELT class like yours. ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................
Strategies for Coping with the Challenges
1. I don't feel any difficulty to study with my classmates though their language proficiency varies from mine. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
2. My teacher always presents the subject matter in such a way that makes me quite engaged in the task. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
3. I feel conformable to work collaboratively with the classmates whose language proficiency greatly varies from mine. a. Agree b. Undecided c. Disagree
4. What does your teacher do to make the classroom activities equally fruitful for the students having different levels of language proficiency? ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................
Thanks for your kind co-operation !
For Questions 1-3, please write a brief answer for each. (For Students)
1. I feel the goal of the class should be…
2. My teacher has mostly focused the class on…
3. I wish my teacher would teach more of the following things about English:
For the following questions, please tell me how much you agree by circling a number on the scale.
Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree
4. I’m interested in learning how to speak ELT.................................................................1 2 3 4 5
5. I want to improve my listening comprehension……1 2 3 4 5
6. I’m interested in learning English grammar……… 1 2 3 4 5
7. I want to improve my reading…………………… 1 2 3 4 5
8. I want to learn more vocabulary………………… 1 2 3 4 5
9. I want to improve my Language writing………… 1 2 3 4 5
10. I want to know more about the English Language and culture…............................1 2 3 4 5
11. My teacher knows English Education teaching really well……………….......................1 2 3 4 5
12. My teacher knows how to teach ELT.………… 1 2 3 4 5
13. My teacher knows the textbook(s) very well…....1 2 3 4 5
14. My teacher helps me understand the
Native language culture.............................................1 2 3 4 5
15. My teacher knows how English works…………1 2 3 4 5
16. My teacher explains how English works very clearly….............................................................1 2 3 4 5
17. My teacher understands how I feel when
I use English…........................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
18. My teacher knows it’s hard to learn
English Language …...................................................1 2 3 4 5
19. My teacher uses class time very well…………....1 2 3 4 5
20. My teacher knows about other resources that will help me................................................................................1 2 3 4 5
21. My teacher knows the way I like to learn English…....1 2 3 4 5
22. My teacher is able to help me with my questions about the English Education………………………….1 2 3 4 5 For the following questions, please tell me how often each statement happens by circling a number on the scale.
Most of the Not Always time Sometimes really never
23. My teacher helps me see how English and my native language are different and similar……….……1 2 3 4 5
My native language is __________________________
24. My class is well organized………………………1 2 3 4 5
25. My teacher is ready to teach before class starts…1 2 3 4 5
26. After my teacher explains something,
I understand it immediately…………………………1 2 3 4 5
27. My teacher brings in helpful outside resources…1 2 3 4 5
28. My teacher says to our class, “That’s just the way it is You need to memorize it.”……………1 2 3 4 5
29. My teacher’s explanation helps me understand..1 2 3 4 5
Please tell me why you think the teacher’s explanation is helpful or unhelpful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
30. Before I ask a question, my teacher seems to already know what confuses me……………………………………1 2 3 4 5
Please give 2 examples of your questions when this happened. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. When people have something to say, my teacher lets them talk……………………………1 2 3 4 5
32. In class, people say things about what we’re learning……...............................................................1 2 3 4 5
33. My teacher is able to answer our “why” questions about English Education.……………………………1 2 3 4 5
34. My teacher reads the textbook(s) to the class and doesn’t explain………………………………………………1 2 3 4 5
Thanks for your kind co-operation !
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