Professor Cynthia Robinson
English 101: Writing and Research
March 2013
Gender Expectations
Society often expects certain type of behavior from everyone. But in the big picture, this behavior is only based on what type of sex you are and what your responsibility according to your sex. In today’s society, we have discrimination; high expectations and a set of norms that in a lot of cases only apply or are strictly apply in one gender only. So all of this leads us to the question: Are gender expectations still prevalent in this present day?
In the short story, Who you callin’ a lady? The author Kathleen Deveny discusses how women are supposed to act according to society. In this short story, the reader can see how a soccer player serves as an example of what is considered to be an “antiwomen” behavior. Elizabeth Lambert, shows a rough and a very aggressive behavior on the field. But is this behavior really different or rare for a woman? Society has the idea that women are to be kind, warm hearted, loving and sweet, but in reality women are human beings with feelings and passions, just like the rest of us. Feelings, that need to be expressed and released whether it is by hitting and fighting; normally how anger is shown. But Lamber, as mentioned before is a soccer player, soccer is a contact sport that easily generates a continuous amount of human contact that in occasions can escalate and get a little bit aggressive, but it is because of the level at which the sport is being played and the passion behind it. To many spectators, they might think that soccer might just be a sport, in which the objective is to get a ball into a goal, but to the players it's much more than just a game with an objective, to most it's their life; it's what they've learned and known to do since they were little, what they have sacrificed many things in life to accomplish, what they have trained night and day and extremely hard for. It's a dream that they made a