I pick up what’s remaining of my stolen, unfitted clothing and place it in the only source of bag available to me, a Coles shopping trolley. The clock passes 1:30am on the night stand adjacent to the desolated street and I begin the mundane seek for any obtainable food and the occasional chance at a new life. The walk is long, but it’s the only time where I can gain enough confidence to be seen in public with my unshaven beard intensified by the ever-free snow flakes visibly trapped within it. The trolley lines on the snow abide by my path of misadventure. I can hear the rustling of the curb side garden taunting me as I walk past with little intent. I carry beside me a lone dollar, a reminder of my earlier life and the decision I regret. With little choice but much hesitation I insert the coin into the familiar electronic horoscope machine, coated with cobwebs and with little purpose, a great reminder of the life I lost through gambling. I await my fait. The well known and well dreaded voice begins instantly
“Today, an opportunity may arise to express your true potential, you must take it, and understand that success reflects leadership”.
The voice is echoed silently into blackness, the only