Module 1
(A Wealth of Knowledge)
Knowledge is wealth. Knowledge is power. But what exactly do we mean by these? The first statement means that people who are well-informed possess a wealth of knowledge which they can use in their daily interaction with other people, in problem solving and in decision making. On the other hand, people who know a lot become powerful because they are more confident of themselves and in what they can do.
However, knowledge should lead to wisdom. You might ask if there is a difference between the two. Knowledge is information gained by study or experience. A person who knows is aware of or familiar with something. On the other hand, Wisdom is the quality or state of being wise. A person who is wise shows good judgment.
This module will help you find knowledge yourself and acquire wisdom in the process.
It’s a great way to think that after studying and working on all activities in this module, you will be able to:
note details scan for specific information distinguish fact from fiction, opinion, and propaganda give the synonyms of words use expressions that signal opinion use S-LV-C and S-TV-DO patterns of sentences state facts and opinions use two-word verbs with “put” write a reflective journal based on learning experiences
1. Do not write anything on this module as several students will be using it. Do all your work in your notebook. Be sure to label your work by the module number and title. Keep a separate notebook for your Reflective Journal.
2. Read each section carefully. If you have not read the first two sections, go over them first.
3. Each module begins with a brief introduction or Overview followed by a list of Objectives you are expected to learn.
4. Before working on the activities, answer the Pretest first. Find out how well you did by checking your answers against the answers given under the Self-check of the pretest.
5. As you work on the