Domain 1: Culture (Cross-Cultural Communications)
Standard 1: Culture as a Factor in ELLs’ Learning Why are having Domain's and Standards important to teachers? Domains and Standards play a huge part in giving teachers indicators on their children's performances. We as teachers need certain domains and standards on identifying and monitoring the children's performances throughout the classroom. Having standards allows us as teachers to indicate their levels of ability and performances to be met. Their are three levels of standards that can be measured on the children's ability how well they perform. The three types of standards that teachers use are Approaches Standards, Meet Standards and Exceeds Standards.( teachers of English speakers of other languages, Inc, TESOL ) In Culture (Cross-Cultural Communications) the first domain of five. This is an important factor in ELLs to learn and understand the language knowledge from the diverse backgrounds. The most recent survey says in (2005-2006) the population of ELL's is up approximately 10 percent of the total public school enrolled and increasing every year.(Why TESOL? pg 5-6) Why TESOL? States, "Providing for the English Language learners is one of the school districts greatest challenges." Their are many indicators we can use to help us engage in our children's diversity. Some ideas I found interesting to help would be, displaying artifacts from different cultures. Celebrating ethnic holidays throughout the year would be a great way to inform others and help the children feel comfortable. I believe that getting to know your students background and engaging in their life stories will help us succeed and be effective in their learning for ELL's and their diverse background.
Performance Indicators
1.1. a. Understand and apply knowledge about cultural values and beliefs in the context of teaching and learning of ELLs, from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels.