ESL 223n
Professor Simpson
English-Only Debate America, we have a cultural diversity that is unlike any other in the entire world, people from every country in the world come to our borders wanting to start over with a better life, live the “American Dream”. And because of this our nation has turned into a giant melting pot of all different types of cultures, races, religions, and one of the most important, languages. Language is the main way we communicate, interact, understand each other and when that barrier is there, it is a hard one to get past. And of course there are different ways people feel like we should deal with this barrier, there are some who believe that we as citizens who speak English should also learn different languages so that we can more easily communicate with them. And then there are others who feel like they came to our country, they need to learn English like everyone else here does. This has turned into a very touchy subject to a lot of people because people become passionate about there on personal beliefs and the side that they have chosen to get behind. Both sides having very valid points as to why their side is the one that people should adopt as their own side, I personally have decided that I agree that when you come to this country then you should learn to speak the language if you plan on living here. But not because I think English is the superior language or anything like that, I believe it will just make things easier for me and the person who immigrated here to be able to work together and communicate. But of course since this subject is very much two sided, state laws have been passed protecting and or mandating certain things happen, trying to stop the arguing between the two sides. I live in the state of Arizona, and in Arizona we have a large influx of people emigrating from Mexico, for work, school, or other issues. And because of this there are many people in my state who don’t speak
References: Arizona Revised Statutes - Title 15 Education - Section 15-756.01 Arizona English language learners task force; research based models of structured English immersion for English language learners; budget requests; definitions Valerie Strauss, “Studies question Arizona’s policy on English learners” Washington Post 2:51 PM ET, 07/ 8/2010