Our past is more important than our given name. As humans we make many choices, good or bad they define who we are. If we make a good choices then we can be proud of our self but others will be proud of us too. If we make a bad choice others might not want to be around us. Good choices and bad choices make our reputation. A reputation is how others people see others. The way humans see other humans is part of our identity. Identity is something we cannot change very easily. People can create their own perception of others without even asking your name. In high school everyone has a reputation. Even though you’re not in high school forever, you will have a new reputation as your life continues. As Humans we always have a reputation that defines us. As we grow and change our identity but our name stays the same.
Sherali 2
Our life choices do not affect our name. Your personal decisions are solely committed by you. Your self-confidence affects many of your choices. Friendship is one of the many life choices humans make and help you grow as a person. Throughout my life friendship has defined me well. If I make a mistake in life my friends are people I can fall back on. When you lose a loose a friend it was your choice to let them go and that defines your identity. You are the only to decide who influences you. Friendship is part of you identity because friends help you