2. Do teenagers think the whitening products are as effective like what they see on television?
3. Do teenagers use whitening products they see on TV Advertisements?
4. Does the TV Advertisements on Whitening products give the teenagers enough knowledge for them to use the product?
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations
This study will be focused in determining the Psychological effect of TV Advertisements on whitening products to teenagers specifically fifteen (15) female University of St. La Salle students taking up summer classes. We will determine their views and beliefs regarding TV Advertisements on whitening products.
This study will be confined only on 15 female students taking up summer classes in University of St. La Salle. This study aims to answer the following questions; a.) After watching TV Advertisements on Whitening products do teenagers opt to use the product? b.) Do teenagers think the whitening products are as effective like what they see on television? c.) Do teenagers use whitening products they see on TV Advertisements? d.) Does the TV Advertisements on Whitening products give the teenagers enough knowledge for them to use the product.
Research Design The research design used in this study is descriptive; it describes the data and characteristics about the population being studied and answers the questions “What are the effects of TV Advertisements on whitening products to teenage viewers. The method of collecting data in this study will be with the use of questionnaire formulated by the researchers to be answered by the 15 female Students of University