ENG 123
April 6, 2012 Annotated Bibliography
"Advertising & Childhood Obesity." Children Now Advertising & Obesity. Web. 06 Apr. 2012. http://www.childrennow.org/index.php/learn/advertising_obesity Fundamentally, this source collectively illustrates the dangers that childhood obesity has upon children in America. Yet, the main focus falls upon something extremely important. Continuously, we over look the fact that Advertisements are becoming a contributing factor to the obesity rate in America. Overall, this website is an excellent source for my research paper. It highlights aspects of the obese epidemic and the correlation between advertisements towards children relating …show more content…
He collectively highlights ways in which different appeals cause different individuals to have a yearning for the product being sold. Fundamentally, this correlates to my research paper because it illustrates how children can be swayed by commercials involving food. Unfortunately, this is causing a huge epidemic of obesity. Yet, if we can pinpoint that commercialism is a factor it could be easily fixed.
Brian Young, (2003) "Does food advertising make children obese?", Young Consumers: Insight and Ideas for Responsible Marketers, Vol. 4 Iss: 3, pp.19 – 26
Fundamentally, this academic journal provided vital information on childhood obesity. The linkage between food advertisement and children obesity was concise and conveyed huge issues. Statistics show, that if we can advertise more “healthy” related commercials we can limit obesity challenges. This article is a huge asset to my paper because it exemplifies huge aspects that my paper needs in order to be viable. Fortunately, it allows people to see that there is a chance that it can be changed.
Bruell, Alexandra. "Marina Maher Communications." Advertising Age 83.12 (2012): 12. …show more content…
The cognitive analysis that is being demonstrates helps clarify different ways in which individuals want to eat. Yet, commercialism is still one of those reasons. This article is an important asset to my research paper because it demonstrates more ways that obesity is becoming the norm. It is a way that is shown through physical attributes.
Siegel, David L, Timothy J. Coffey, and Gregory Livingston. The Great Tween Buying Machine: Capturing Your Share of the Multi-Billion-Dollar Tween Market. Chicago: Dearborn Trade Pub, 2004. Internet resource.
This article clarifies more information upon the teenage/tween age groups. These are the individuals that are watching television the most and are easily manipulated by these commercials. Why the target audience remains the tweens is because they are the most profitable. Unfortunately, many businesses do no care if children are being obese. They only care if they are making a considerable amount of money. This article helps support my research paper by demonstrating another interact viewpoint of a concise demographic.
Singer, Dorothy G., and Jerome L. Singer. Handbook of Children and the