Write your thesis statement about the Effectiveness of Advertising in the space provided below. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer.
Choose a topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food
Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical?
My Response: Yes advertisements are aimed at teenagers because they just run back and ask their parents for what they're advertising & yes this is ethical because I would do the same thing.
Title, URL, and Date of Access
Central Idea
This article states that advertisement are aimed at children because they watch a lot of TV.
This article they state that kids are easily influenced so more advertisements are aimed at kids
http://www.american.edu/americantoday/campus-news/20110914-Kogod-Now-Targeted-Marketing.cfm This article states that advertisements about food is one of the leading causes in over weight teens
http://www.holmesreport.com/opinion-info/4528/As-Marketers-Target-Younger-Consumers-Ethical-Issues-Arise.aspx This article states that children shows and food advertisements corporate.
Thesis Statement: Advertisement are aimed at teens because teens can be influenced easily.