According to YTV's 2002 Tween Report, it is estimated that Canadian children aged 9 to 14 spend $1.9 billion and influence $20 billion in family purchases per year (Marwick, 2010).
Marketers call it "pester power," or the "nag factor" (Marwick, 2010).
Kids nag their parents to buy a specific good or service or take them to a specific restaurant (Marwick, 2010).
Many media-related advertisements marketing are targeted to encourage sales of goods or services to children (Evans, 2008).
Usually these commercials are omnipresent and had been bought into connection of negative health related problems (Evans, 2008).
Such health consequences include poor nutrition, obesity and physical inactivity (Evans, 2008).
For example, McDonald’s Happy Meal for children (O'Brien, 2011). San Francisco is one of the cities that opted for the banning sales of McDonald’s Happy Meal with toys for children (O'Brien, 2011). Happy Meals food content goes beyond certain salt, fat, calories and sugar (O'Brien, 2011). An accusation was made against McDonald’s for deceptive marketing practices to children (O'Brien, 2011). This is under section 18 of ACL. Section 18 of the ACL prohibits misleading or deceptive conduct.
Regardless of the nature of the product being marketed, children do not have the development of cognitive aptitudes to process advertisements, which may be more susceptible to misleading advertisements. This is under section 18 of ACL. Section 18 of the ACL prohibits misleading or deceptive conduct.
Advertising has greater impact to children than usual because it is easily perceived as a lesser influence by parents and others in the older generation (Shah, 2010).
The conception of using commercials to manipulating children into buying the products.
Advertisements are enhanced by media technology these days.
Advertising does