Goodmorning/afternoon Miss Nelson and 7B.
Today I will be talking about how gender can change your identity in a male dominated country such as Afghanistan and how education, or the rather, the lack of it can affect your identity.
Identity means how you think of yourself, who you are, your personality and what others think of you. It is also how you act based on your identity.
In the text Parvana, which is set in Afghanistan, the women are discriminated against. The taliban think of them as weak,useless and not worthy to be seen, as shown in this description, ‘Parvana whirled around to see a Talib glaring at her, anger in his eyes and a stick in hand. “You must be covered up! Who is your husband? They …show more content…
That is is shown in this description
In the text Parvana, which is set in Afghanistan, the women are discriminated against. The taliban think of them as weak,useless and not worthy to be seen, as shown in this description, ‘Parvana whirled around to see a Talib glaring at her, anger in his eyes and a stick in hand. “You must be covered up! Who is your husband? They will be punished for letting you walk the street like that!” The soldier raised his arm and brought the stick down on Parvana’s shoulder.’
’Being bullied as a kid created a sense of empathy in me toward the suffering of others, and it comes very unnaturally to me to treat people who are kind in any other way than how I would want to be treated. Because of that feeling, I was able to contrast the stereotypes I'd been taught as a child with real life experience and interaction.’ Without education, he would have continued believing what he had been taught by his father. Since so many people believe this idea, the women will eventually think about themselves in the way others think of them. They will eventually start think of themselves as weak, useless and not worthy to be seen and if they don’t the taliban will beat it into them until they