In an age where data transmission over the network has become a vital aspect of communication and information sharing it is very essential to ensure robust data security. Keeping the above fact in mind, we aim to enhance the existing security standards by designing a more efficient Encryption Algorithm. In this paper we propose the idea of using a combination of AES-DES and incorporating it in the Feistal structure. Being a hybrid of two powerful encryption techniques, the algorithm would be an efficient and reliable encryption standard.
General Terms
Data Security, Hybrid Structure, Algorithm.
AES, DES, Hybrid, Encryption Time, Avalanche Effect, Throughput, CPU Usage.
The Internet holds an important role for data transmission and sharing. Therefore, encryption is used to secure data transmission. Encryption achieves security effects that make the secret messages unreadable. This is known as Cryptography
The main objective of Cryptography is to communicate securely in such a way that the true message cannot be intercepted by an attacker. There are two types of cryptographic schemes available on the basis of key. They are:
Symmetric Key Cryptography: This cryptographic scheme makes use of a single key for the encryption and decryption of the message
Asymmetric or Public Key Cryptography: This cryptographic scheme makes use of two keys for encryption and decryption of the message, known as the public key and private Key
We can classify Symmetric key cryptography into two types on the basis of their operations as:
• Stream Ciphers: In this one byte is encrypted at a particular time
• Block Ciphers: It takes a block of plaintext as input, and produces a corresponding output block of cipher text
In this paper we have attempted to use two Symmetric Block cipher