A white-collar crime by definition is a crime that is committed by individuals of higher status. It is not necessarily a violent crime, but could be depending on the situation. An individual who works in a professional environment, such as the government or corporation tend to take advantage of employees and manipulate them into thinking their practices are legitimate. Some examples, of white-collar crimes include fraud, embezzlement, insider trading, and other various crimes. However, individuals who involve them selves in drugs or stealing someone’s personal possessions commit street crime. For example, it tends to be violent depending on the situation and it usually happens in a public place or home environment.
The film “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” is a prime example of white-collar crimes committed by professional with important titles. For example, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling is a prime example Ken Lay, chairman of Enron had a goal of creating an environment where he made tons of money; it just came easy to him. When Mr. Lay figured out that a few oil traders took a risk with Enron’s money, Ken had no reservation of discouraging them from spending it; he actually encouraged them to continue making Enron a ton of money.
Another great example is when, Mr. Lay acquired Jeffrey Skilling for the investment department; Jeffrey was a smart man with huge ideas. Mr. Skilling was a man that puts monetary value before hesitation. His ideas created contracts with gas companies among other contracts that made them millions. Pursuing this further, Skilling persuaded Ken that certain projects could be applied to other markets to create a flowing of cash. Moreover, Enron became the most influential organization in the US.
Pursuing this further, another example from the movie, is when Chief Financial Officer, Andy Fastow was obtained to develop a company outlook that not only displayed success, but a strong status even