The bellow diagram is what is refered to as an "Entity Relationship Diagram". Its purpose is to show the relationship between different data in the hotel management program , and the actions that are performed on it. And how data from different objects relate to each other.
The Data Entities represent data that will need to be stored on the system, in general terms.
The Relationships represent actions that will occur to the Data Entities, or Weak Entities.
The Weak Entities represent data that does not exist, except in relation to a Data Entity.
Data Dictionary
Below is a data dictionary used to demostrate how data will be represented in the computer system, and how different modules are inter related.
Access Level = (Front Desk) + (Kitchen) + (Management)
* An access level which denotes exactly which areas, a user has access to.*
Amount Paid= $ + INT + '. ' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]
The amount the customer has actually paid.
Arrival Date = Date
* Represents the date the cutomers arrived.*
Balance $ + INT + '. ' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]
The amount remaining for the customer to pay.
Bill to = Room Number
* A valid room number in the hotel to bill a some to.*
Bus. Phone = Phone Number
* Represents the bussiness phone number of the customer.*
Calendar Day = Date + {Room}
* Represnts all of the days on the calendar, along with which rooms are booked for that day.*
Category = [Single | Double | Triple]
* A category represents the size of a room.*
City = STRING(64)
* Represents the name of a city.*
Country = STRING(64)
* Represents the name of a country.*
Cost of Phone Call= $ + INT + '. ' + [00 | 01 | .. | 99]
* The cost of an outgoing phone call.*
Credit Card Number [0000 0000 0000 0000 | 0000 0000 0000 0001 | .... .... .... .... | 9999 9999 9999 9999]
* Represents a credit card number.*
Customer Info = Guest Name + Room Number + Arrival Date + Departure Date + Representing + Mailing Address + Bus.