1 Introduction 2
2 Overview 2
3 Static Data File 2
4 Request & Response 2 4.1 Request 2 4.2 Response 3
5 Operations 3 5.1 Region List (rtype=1) 4 5.2 Region List (rtype=2) 4 5.3 Hotel Details (rtype=3) 5 5.4 Keyword Search (rtype=4) 6 5.5 Region Search (rtype=5) 7 5.6 Geo Search (rtype=6) 8 5.7 Availability and Rates (rtype=7) 8 5.8 Special Offers List (rtype=8) 9 5.9 Special Offers (rtype=9) 9 5.10 Currency List (rtype=10) 10 5.11 Facilities List (rtype=11) 10
6 Affiliate Filters 10
We have made some changes to the way our affiliate XML feeds work.
There is a single point of access to LateRooms XML Feeds. This is http://xmlfeed.laterooms.com/index.aspx
This document describes how XML …show more content…
Feeds can be consumed using this page.
Static Data File
We provide an XML file containing the static data for all our live hotels. This can be found at http://xmlfeed.laterooms.com/staticdata/hotels_standard.zip.
This used in conjunction with our Rates and Availability feed (rtype=7) will provide all the information needed to integrate with Laterooms.
Request & Response
The types of requests currently catered for are: 1. Region List 2. Town List 3. Hotel Details 4. Keyword Search 5. Region Search 6. Geo Search
1 Request
All requests require that a common set of parameters are provided within the URL, i.e. via Query String. These are the first parameters provided in order to identify the remaining portion of the URL and how it is treated. When no parameters are passed, the response looks like the following:
Affiliate ID (aid) is not specified; it is a mandatory parameter Request Type (rtype) is not specified; it is a mandatory parameter. set rtype=1 for RegionList, rtype=2 for TownList, rtype=3 for HotelDetails, rtype=4 for KeywordSearch, rtype=5 for RegionSearch, rtype=6 for GeoSearch
The following parameters are available.
|Param |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|rtype |Request Type |Yes |Numeric |1 – 6 |Type of response requested. |
| | | | | |Region List |
| | | | | |Town List |
| | | | | |Hotel Details |
| | | | | |Keyword Search |
| | | | | |Region Search |
| | | | | |Geo Search |
|lang |Language |No |Special |Special |Two character language identifier. Accepts the |
| | | | | |following values: |
| | | | | |en - English |
| | | | | |fr - French |
| | | | | |de - German |
| | | | | |it - Italian |
| | | | | |es - Spanish |
|cur |Currency |No |Special |Special |Three character currency identifier – defaults to|
| | | | | |sterling (GBP) |
Requests are passed via query strings, e.g. http://xmlfeed.laterooms.com/index.aspx?aid=99999&rtype=3&lang=it&hids=73737,2345
In this example, the affiliate with ID 99999 is requesting details of the hotels with IDs 73737 and 2345 in Italian.
2 Response
All responses commence with a header indicating the success or failure of the request.
|Name |Description |
|response | |
|status |Can be one of the following: |
|error |Provides a description of the error. |
| code |Error code |
| objectid |Gives a reference of the object that caused the error |
Example: http://xmlfeed.laterooms.com/index.aspx?aid=99999&rtype=3&hids=7 fails because no hotel with ID=7 exists in our database.
Cannot load hotel details. Error: No row with the given identifier exists: 7, of class: LateRooms.Business.Data.Hotel
1 Region List (rtype=1)
Accepts the following parameters:
|Param |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|Name |Description |
|region_code |Region ID internal to LR Database |
|region_description |Textual representation of Region ID |
|region_country |The country that the region belongs to |
|region_url |Compound URL built from the Affiliate ID and Region ID representing the URL which would be used to |
| |deep link to a search result within LR for this element. |
Example output for rid=1:
242 Central and South England http://www.laterooms.com/en/Hotels.aspx?k=Central and South England
241 Central England England http://www.laterooms.com/en/Hotels.aspx?k=Central England ...
2 Region List (rtype=2)
Accepts the following parameters:
|Param |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|recursive |Recursive |No |Boolean |True/False |Dictates whether to search only the identified |
| | | | | |region, or include it’s child regions |
|Name |Description |
|region_code |Town ID internal to LR Database |
|region_description |Textual representation of Town ID |
|region_country |The country that the region belongs to |
|region_url |Compound URL built from the Affiliate ID and Town ID representing the URL which would be used to |
| |deep link to a search result within LR for this element. |
Example output for rid=242:
11374 Brighton and Hove England http://www.laterooms.com/en/Hotels.aspx?k=Brighton and Hove
11406 Hampshire England http://www.laterooms.com/en/Hotels.aspx?k=Hampshire ...
3 Hotel Details (rtype=3)
When one or more hotels have been identified as being of sufficient interest to request more details be provided, the Hotel Details search may be requested. This provides more detailed information on one or more hotels as driven by the parameters provided in the URL.
The following parameters are available for this request.
|Name |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|sdate |Start Date |No |Date |>= Today |If present, specifies the start date |
| | | | |(yyyy-mm-dd) |for which the search applies |
|nights |Number of nights |No |Numeric |1 – 7 |If present, specifies the number of |
| | | | | |nights for which the search applies. |
| | | | | |If not present and SDate is present, |
| | | | | |defaults to 1 |
The following information is returned in the XML response.
|Name |Description |
|Hotel_ref |Hotel ID |
|Hotel_name |Hotel name as found in LR DB |
|Hotel_star |Star or diamond rating of hotel |
|Hotel_address |Street line of hotel address |
|Hotel_city |City line of hotel address |
|Hotel_pcode |Post code of hotel |
|Hotel_description |Long descriptive of hotel |
|Alternate_description |Alternate description of hotel |
|Hotel_directions |Directions to the hotel |
|Alternate_directions |Alternate directions to hotel |
|Prices_from |Minimum price of any room within the date range specified |
|Hotel_link |URL providing deep link into LateRooms.com for the hotel |
|Lr_rates |Header node for LateRooms Rates |
| Hotel_rooms |Header node for hotel rooms |
| room |Header node for individual room |
| ref |Room ID |
| type |Room type ID |
| sleeps |Number of people the room sleeps |
| breakfast |Is breakfast included in price |
| description |Room Description |
| Alternate_description |Alternate description of room |
| Rack_rate |Default price of room
| Rate |Header node for LateRooms room rate |
| Date |Date of stay |
| Formatted date |Date of stay, formatted into long date format |
| price |Price of room for date |
|Images |Header node for hotel images |
| url |url of hotel image |
|Geo_code |Header node for geocode of hotel |
| Long |Longitude value of location of hotel |
| Lat |Latitude value of location of hotel |
4 Keyword Search (rtype=4)
The Keyword Search returns a list of hotels found within a distance of the keyword ID or keyword provided. The following parameters are available in the request.
|Name |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|kword |Keyword |No* |Alpha |N/A |Textual representation of Keyword to |
| | | | | |perform search for. Where multiple |
| | | | | |keywords are found, should return |
| | | | | |result of most suitable and return |
| | | | | |list of possible alternatives found |
| | | | | |within database. Most suitable is |
| | | | | |determined by present Algorithm on |
| | | | | |live site code. Whilst not mandatory,|
| | | | | |one of this, or kid must be provided |
|SDate |Start Date |No |Date |>= Today |If present, specifies the start date |
| | | | |(yyyy-mm-dd) |for which the search applies |
|Nights |Number of nights |No |Numeric |1 – 7 |If present, specifies the number of |
| | | | | |nights for which the search applies. |
| | | | | |If not present and SDate is present, |
| | | | | |defaults to 1 |
The following fields are returned in response to this request. Naturally, multiple instances of the following record are repeated within the response.
|Name |Description |
|Hotel_ref |Hotel ID |
|Hotel_name |Hotel name as found in LR DB |
|Hotel_star |Star or diamond rating of hotel |
|Hotel_address |Street line of hotel address |
|Hotel_city |City line of hotel address |
|Hotel_pcode |Post code of hotel |
|Hotel_description |Long descriptive of hotel |
|Hotel_directions |Directions to the hotel |
|Hotel_link |URL providing deep link into LateRooms.com for the hotel |
|HotelRooms |Header node for one or many hotel rooms nodes detailed below |
| rate |Node header for room rate |
| Date |Date of stay |
| Formatted date |Date in full format |
| price |Price in currency requested in header |
|Prices_from |Minimum price of any room within the date range specified, only returned if SDate set in search |
| |request |
|Hotel_no_of_rooms |Number of rooms the hotel has |
|Geo_code |Header node for geocode |
| long |Longitude value of location of hotel |
| lat |Latitude value of location of hotel |
|Hotel_distance |Returns distance from Keyword or GeoCode provided, not applicable for KRID’s or KWord’s which |
| |represent a region |
5 Region Search (rtype=5)
The Region Search returns a list of hotels found within a distance of the region ID provided. The following parameters are available in the request.
|Name |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|sdate |Start Date |No |Date |>= Today |If present, specifies the start date |
| | | | |(yyyy-mm-dd) |for which the search applies |
|nights |Number of nights |No |Numeric |1 – 7 |If present, specifies the number of |
| | | | | |nights for which the search applies. |
| | | | | |If not present and SDate is present, |
| | | | | |defaults to 1 |
The same fields are returned on all searches.
6 Geo Search (rtype=6)
The Geo Search returns a list of hotels found within a distance of the Geocode Longitude / Geocode Latitude pair provided. The following parameters are available in the request.
|Name |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|geolat |Geocode Latitude |Yes |Numeric |Valid Geocode |Latitudinal indicator for search |
| | | | | |point |
|sdate |Start Date |No |Date |>= Today |If present, specifies the start date |
| | | | |(yyyy-mm-dd) |for which the search applies |
|nights |Number of nights |No |Numeric |1 – 7 |If present, specifies the number of |
| | | | | |nights for which the search applies. |
| | | | | |If not present and SDate is present, |
| | | | | |defaults to 1 |
The same fields are returned on all searches.
7 Availability and Rates (rtype=7)
The Availability and Rates search returns a list of Rooms and rates for the hotel selected. This search should be used in conjunction with our static data file. The following parameters are available in the request.
|Name |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
|sdate |Start Date |No |Date |>= Today |If present, specifies the start date |
| | | | |(yyyy-mm-dd) |for which the search applies |
|nights |Number of nights |No |Numeric |1 – 7 |If present, specifies the number of |
| | | | | |nights for which the search applies. |
| | | | | |If not present and SDate is present, |
| | | | | |defaults to 1 |
The following fields are returned in response to this request. Naturally, multiple instances of the following record are repeated within the response.
|Name |Description |
|Lr_rates |Header node for rates |
| Hotel |Header node for hotel |
| Hotel_rooms |Header node for hotel rooms |
| room |Header node for individual room |
| ref |Room ID |
| type |Room type ID |
| sleeps |Number of people the room sleeps |
| breakfast |Is breakfast included in price |
| description |Room Description |
| Alternate_description |Alternate description of room |
| Rack_rate |Default price of room |
| Rate |Header node for LateRooms room rate |
| Date |Date of stay |
| Formatted date |Date of stay, formatted into long date format |
| price |Price of room for date |
8 Special Offers List (rtype=8)
The Special Offers List search returns a list of current special offers.
The following fields are returned in response to this request. Naturally, multiple instances of the following record are repeated within the response.
|Name |Description |
|Specialoffer |Header node for Special Offer |
| ID |Special Offer ID |
| Name |Name of the special offer |
| Description |Description of the special offer |
9 Special Offers (rtype=9)
The Special Offers Search returns a list of hotels included in the selected special offer. The following parameters are available in the request.
|Name |Name |Mandatory |Type |Range |Description |
The following fields are returned in response to this request. Naturally, multiple instances of the following record are repeated within the response.
|Name |Description |
|Hotel_ref |Hotel ID |
|Hotel_name |Hotel name as found in LR DB |
|Hotel_star |Star or diamond rating of hotel |
|Hotel_address |Street line of hotel address |
|Hotel_city |City line of hotel address |
|Hotel_pcode |Post code of hotel |
|Hotel_description |Long descriptive of hotel |
|Hotel_directions |Directions to the hotel |
|Hotel_link |URL providing deep link into LateRooms.com for the hotel |
|HotelRooms |Header node for one or many hotel rooms nodes detailed below |
| rate |Node header for room rate |
| Date |Date of stay |
| Formatted date |Date in full format |
| price |Price in currency requested in header |
|Prices_from |Minimum price of any room within the date range specified, only returned if SDate set in search |
| |request |
|Hotel_no_of_rooms |Number of rooms the hotel has |
|Geo_code |Header node for geocode |
| long |Longitude value of location of hotel |
| lat |Latitude value of location of hotel |
|Hotel_distance |Returns distance from Keyword or GeoCode provided |
10 Currency List (rtype=10)
The Currency List search returns a list of available currencies.
The following fields are returned in response to this request. Naturally, multiple instances of the following record are repeated within the response.
|Name |Description |
|Currency |Root node of a currency |
| ID |Three letter identifier of the currency |
| Name |Currency Name |
| Rate |Conversion rate from GBP |
11 Facilities List (rtype=11)
The Facilities List search returns a list of Available Hotel Facilities
The following fields are returned in response to this request. Naturally, multiple instances of the following record are repeated within the response.
|Name |Description |
|Facility |Root node of a facility |
| ID |The unique identifier of a facility |
| Name |Facility Name |
Affiliate Filters
Affiliates have an option to provide filters to be applied to the type of results required. If a filter is provided then this restricts the hotels returned to only those satisfying the filter criteria.
|Name |Name |Type |Range |Applies to List |Description |
| | | | |searches | |
|offset |Offset |Numeric |any |No |Used in conjunction with limit, this |
| | | | | |parameter allows for paging of the result set|
| | | | | |(i.e. to return pages of 10 results, set |
| | | | | |lim=10 then offset to 1 for page 1, 11 for |
| | | | | |page 2 etc.) |
|maxprice |Maximum Price |Numeric |any |No |Returns only hotels with room prices less |
| | | | | |than the set maximum |
|Minprice |Minimum Price |Numeric |any |No |Returns only hotels with room prices more |
| | | | | |than the set minimum |
|ADDS |Added Since |Date |Valid Date |No |Identifies whether or not to filter on hotels|
| | | | | |added since the given date |
|DELS |Deleted Since |Date |Valid Date |No |Identifies whether or not to filter on hotels|
| | | | | |removed/suspended since the given date |
|AMENDS |Amended Since |Date |Valid Date |No |Identifies whether or not to filter on hotels|
| | | | | |which have updated their rates since given |
| | | | | |date |
|MinNights |Minimum Nights |Numeric |1 – 5 |No |Identifies that the results should only |
| | | | | |return hotels which have at least one room |
| | | | | |type with a minimum nights stay of the passed|
| | | | | |value |