I run a software company called Tyrannical Smiles, out of San Jose, California. We focus on the ever growing video game industry. We have a series of successful science-fiction adventure role playing games that we have created, and are constantly upgrading the scenarios and adding new add ons all the time. We have a large customer base that is constantly growing and ordering more of our software as it becomes available. With this, we run into the situation of having their credit information on file as well as transaction histories that would be extremely detrimental to our company if they ever got lost or hacked. The way we have decided to backup our system is as soon as a customer uploads their information to make a purchase, it is immediately transferred into the system as a temporary file, at the end of each work day, we have all the temporary files transferred to our Cloud. The Cloud infrastructure allows for our company to securely share our files amongst one another, with also insuring that our information remains just that, ours. To guarantee that our Cloud isn’t hacked or if the server goes down or fails, our information isn’t lost, we have set the system to run with a Cloud Encryption Key rotation. We are using a split key encryption, meaning that I am the only one that has access to the key. No one including the government has access to this key. Be that as it may, security is always the number one priority for data so every month I change my encryption key to ensure that further security is in place. After one calendar month of information is gathered, we save all the data and transfer it using a hard disk. This hard disk is then taken by me once a month to a safety deposit box I have setup at a bank to store all the information securely. So once the information is in the Cloud, if the server fails for some reason, we will not lose…