Entrepreneurial Struggles Today Small businesses in the United States of America have for a long time been the foundation for economic growth. They are easier to start because they only require some capital, and if they succeed, the country gains more benefit from an entrepreneur than it would from a governmentally backed industry. Since small businesses employ the majority of workers in the U.S., the nation gains more from the entrepreneurs because they pump in new jobs, more tax revenue, and they decide the nation’s economic growth if successful. Also, the thought of the so called “American Dream” rings loudly for these entrepreneurs who have the idea of making it from the bottom to the top. If successful, we as a country, have yet another story of a hard working individual who makes it from rags to riches. On the other hand, there are many downfalls for American entrepreneurs who fail to have on hand the necessary capital, or mismanage their business plan, or lack the proper strategy to continue their business ventures. Nonetheless,
References: Batkins, S., & Brannon, I. (2012). Small Business Regulation: A Case Study and Options for Reform. Regulation, 35(3), 6-7. Bewayo, E. D. (2010). PRE-START-UP PREPARATIONS: WHY THE BUSINESS PLAN ISN 'T ALWAYS WRITTEN. Entrepreneurial Executive, 159-23. Carr, Michael J. (2012, Aug 6). Real Statistics Show That 70 Percent of Small Businesses Succeed At First. http://business.dnb.com/small-business-information/real-statistics-show-that-70-percent-of-small-businesses-succeed-at-first/ DeKinder, J., & Kohli, A. (2008). Flow Signals: How Patterns over Time Affect the Acceptance of Start-Up Firms. Journal Of Marketing, 72(5), 84-97. doi:10.1509/jmkg.72.5.84. Ennico, Cliff. Small Business Survival Guide: Starting, Protecting, and Securing Your Business for Long-Term Success. http://www.cliffennico.com/sm_bus_survival_guide.html Markiewicz, David (2013, March 13). Rising costs take toll on small businesses. Atlanta Journal Constitution. Park, David (2012, July 13). Obama’s Tax Hike Plan Punishes Small Businesses. U.S. News. Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/opinion/blogs/economic-intelligence/2012/07/13/obamas-tax-hike-plan-punishes-small-businesses .