OVERVIEW : Entrepreneurs are certainly not super natural beings. Neither have they done miracles. They are just human beings. But they are different from many of us. They possess several positive characteristics which are responsible for their business success. For instances, they have self-confidence, leadership and creativity. Not many of us have these qualities. Most of us shy from business. We prefer to be employees doing jobs which do not require great risks like bankruptcy. The optimism and positive thinking of entrepreneurs make a great difference between success and failure. Positive thinking produces favorable results. We get what we deeply think and believe. Being hardworking and opportunity seeker, entrepreneurs acquire more profits. Moreover, in the process, they also create better goods and services for the consumers. Through their innovations, they contribute to the improvement of the standard of living. So, they do not only help the economy, they also help the society.
Cantillon defines an entrepreneur as one who ears uncertainty, buys labor and materials, and sell products at uncertain prices. He also one who takes risks and makes innovations on the factors of production.
In French concept, an entrepreneur is an adventurer, undertaker, and projector. His function is to supply and accumulate capital.
To Schumpeter, an entrepreneur is an innovator. He does new things or does things in a new way. He supplies new products, makes new techniques of production, discovers new markets and develops new sources of raw materials.
Peter Drucker says that an entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it and exploits it as an opportunity.
Say, an economist, explains that an entrepreneur is one who shifts economic resources from an area of lower productivity to an area of higher productivity and greater yield.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines entrepreneur as a
Bibliography: Fajardo,Feliciano R. Entrepreneurship .Philippines: National bookstore, 2005. Fajardo,Feliciano R. Entrepreneurship .Philippines: National bookstore, 2005. ‘Global Employment Trends for Youth’, ILO, October 2008, OECD Policy Guidance note: Employment, Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Employment’, 2009 Fajardo,Feliciano R. Entrepreneurship .Philippines: National bookstore, 2005. Constance E. Bagley, Winning Legally: How to Use the Law to Create Value, Marshall Resources, and Manage Risk (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 2005).