Environmental degradation
Any type of activities which alters the systems of the environment and he disturbances caused to air,water,soil and the eco systems is known as environmental degradation. Its under the top ten threats in the united nations panel. Because of environmental degradation illness and premature deaths occur in large numbers. A report says that human health is deteriorating in the past decades. If improvements are being made to enhance human health millions of people will dwell a longer and a healthier life. Mountainous farmers produce a reasonable amount of cash crops and food by their old and traditional farming methods. Even though there has been larger yield of crops in the modern farming techniques they seriously harm the environment and the land where cropping is being done loses its fertility. With no other go it has brought a special attention on issues like food security. Generally the Environmental degradation is of five main factors. First one is the deterioration of water because nowadays the fresh water resources in the earth are getting depleted and when calculated approximately around only two and half percent of water is fresh water in the whole earth. The rest is the oceanic water which is salty in nature.Another study states that almost 70% of the whole water present on earth is in solid state i.e they are in form of ice in the polar regions like antartica and Greenland. The water available for human consumption is very meager like its just thirty percent of 2.5% present fresh water.Life on earth is simply possible only with amount of fresh water resources available, because each and every living thing on earth is dependent on it. It also acts as a transporter of chemicals and nutrients to all form of life in the biosphere. Currently 95% of the fresh water is mainly used three purposes like irrigation for farming, golf courses and parks. Remaining is
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